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Hancock Been At It?

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youngmafbog | 07:49 Fri 25th Jun 2021 | News
127 Answers
Alleged at present although a pretty damming phot.

I dont care who he has been poking but if it has been during the 'lockdowns' then it does become very much a problem given how the Government 'banned bonking'

Surely this little '***ing useless' weasel cant hang on much longer?


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Helly, it might don't you think something to do with the photo shot.????
You got one driving to test his eyes, and another that's found a new way of treating a cold sore on the mouth, and an itchy hand.
Quelle horreur ! man kisses his secretary - whatever next?
Its right what they say, he has been working very hard.
I entirely agree with poorclare that what people do in private is none of my business ...

... however, it very much is my business when a slimy hypocrite who's been telling the public to do one thing is cheerfully ignoring the rules himself.

It also even more my business when he's (probably) a corrupt hypocrite to boot.

[ hands ] [ face ] [ (han)cock ]
Sack him - no question!
If Boris don't get rid, no one will take anymore notice of whatever .
When Prof Ferguson was caught;

Proof of a slime ball if ever there was one.^^
Helly, "let him who is without sin" can't possibly apply here.

He was in an important (and well paid) position at a pivotal time for your country.
He should have done what thousands of others did and put your country before his rather creepy looking lust.

Does it not make you question in what other ways he's been deceitful?
Oh dear - so he's now blubbing in The Mail and feels he's "Let People Down" .... which does nothing but remind me of ...

A mummy balloon, daddy balloon and baby balloon are watching TV...

When the parents announce they are ready for bed, but the baby balloon is OK to stay up a little while longer. They head off to bed, and an hour later, baby balloon finishes his show, and goes to the bedroom.

As they are balloons and have no real sources of income, they live in a 1 bedroom apartment, and have to share a bed. The baby balloon tries to get into bed, but mummy balloon and daddy balloon are just so big that he can't squeeze in. So, he goes to daddy balloon, unties his knot and lets out a little air, and tries getting into bed again: Still not enough room. He then goes to mummy balloon and unties her knot and lets a little air out: A little better, but still not enough. So, he unties his own knot, lets out some air, and is able to fit comfortably into bed.

The next morning, baby balloon wakes up to find his parents are not there. He goes into the kitchen to find mummy and daddy balloon sitting at the table looking pretty angry.

Daddy balloon says, 'Son, we are pretty upset about what you did last night. You let me down, you let your mother down, but worst of all, you let yourself down.'
I've been saying from the beginning of this pandemic that this bloke has told lie after lie, I wonder how the doctors and nurses feel about this situation, especially the families of doctors and nurses that lost their lives.
It’s got nothing to do with social distancing! It’s more of an issue because he is in a position of authority and power IMO that is an issue
poorclare, I have no idea if you are married or not, but would YOU so willingly turn the other cheek if your husband cheated ??

I've walked my dog thank you and I will walk her again later ...
Khandor; "Quelle horreur ! man kisses his secretary - whatever next?"

Aside from the Covid social distancing guidelines, there are also questions about how she was appointed. Apparently she is a uni chum of Halfcock's.
Oops, should read Khandro, of course.
My only wish re this wee saga is Mrs H does not “ stand by her man “ . She has been totally humiliated and they have children . He’s a slimeball.

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