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Hancock Been At It?

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youngmafbog | 07:49 Fri 25th Jun 2021 | News
127 Answers
Alleged at present although a pretty damming phot.

I dont care who he has been poking but if it has been during the 'lockdowns' then it does become very much a problem given how the Government 'banned bonking'

Surely this little '***ing useless' weasel cant hang on much longer?


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I do feel for their children, Anne. They and their friends will have seen those grubby photos.
yeah yeah foo

he said - I have let everybody down and I apologise. But I insist that nothing immoral or unconventional went on, after all my name is - - Hancock!

(Bill Clinton insisted that he didnt have sex with that woman ( Monica that is!) er when he had - and that was my er inspiration )
I think I’m more a judge of character than physical appearance. But, what is attractive about mr. AH. ?
Oops. M H .
Interesting photo, Jno. He looks like the cat that's just had the cream and she looks.....a bit stunned I think.... :-)
ken : //Aside from the Covid social distancing guidelines, there are also questions about how she was appointed. Apparently she is a uni chum of Halfcock's.//

Good, if he's known her for so long he'll be well placed to judge her qualities (in all departments!)
The mistress is no better than him . She also has children .
It's pretty darn far from "closed" IMV. Boris is pushing his luck if he thinks he can keep Hancock.
// But, what is attractive about mr. AH. ?//
oops freudian clip there

she luvz you really Andie !
// Looks like his job is safe //

would that be in the same manner that a football manager receives the full backing of his club's board, Danny?
Could be Mushroom, could be.
well it is nice to see ABers discussing something really important today rather than the usual pointless frippery
// Looks like his job is safe //

Yes - of course it is - if every MP who's been playing 'hide the sausage' with his PA had to resign, then the HoC would be damn near empty (allegedly) ...
He shouldn't be sacked for having an affair. He should be sacked for being *** at his job.
Not for being a total hypocrite?
Mr Hancock should not have to apologise to anyone, but
I am pleased his BOSS accepted it, having watched Boris
who automatically went to shake hands at the G summit.
Did you miss that ?
Good job none of you are in Belfast, where people meet
and greet, shake hands and hug No problems having
said that we shall possible end up in lockdown again.
Must admit I do wear a Visor and mask and I do keep my
distance ~ which is very hard to do here.
Good luck, do keep safe and keep a distance and let
Mr Hancock get on with his life.
Indeed poorclaire, and his wife and children, and the family of the mistress . Jolly good .

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