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gulliver1 | 08:40 Mon 09th Aug 2021 | News
67 Answers
UK Government to call in the ARMY to drive Food Carrying Trucks to replenish empty supermarket shelves
UK Transport Companies are short of thousands of HGV drivers. Is this the result of Brexit sending 25.000 truck drivers back to there own E/U Countries. Have the Brexiteers shot themselves in the foot ?.


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After 39 posts, maybe it's time for a link ...
10:28 Mon 09th Aug 2021
This implies the biggest issue is pay and conditions, with drivers now being offered £1000's to sign up and stay:
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Ellipsis 11.28 .For Best Answer, the usual suspects were to busy having a pot at me to notice .. LOL.
The less overseas workers we bring in to do jobs that Brits could be trained to do, the less pressure on housing, the health service, elderly social care etc etc.

Long term it makes sense.
We just need to get through this short term problem.
Thanks for BA but it wasn't really a great answer, just providing a link for discussion.

I think anyone suggesting that either Brexit or the pandemic is not having an impact on the number of HGV drivers is clutching at straws. As for the size of the impact, the best I can find is this:
According to the report there were 25,000 fewer HGV drivers in the second quarter of 2020, a reduction of 6.7% year-on-year. The number of EU HGV drivers fell by 14,275 (36.3%), and there was a drop of 4,000 (1.5%) in UK nationals who are HGV drivers.
// I see you did. Mon 09th Aug 2021//

doesnt matter: Gully doesnt read his own threads
oh, in his own words

the usual suspects were too busy having a pot at me to notice

I said he didnt read his own stuff - - oh well AB on a Monday morning
//The number of EU HGV drivers fell by 14,275 (36.3%), and there//
That sounds about right. People have always come and gone, its just now we cant replace the EU drivers by another EU.
The claim that 25000 were sent back is clearly nonsence
25,000 "sent back" vs 14,275 "left of their own accord" in Q2 last year alone. It's still 14,275 we don't have.

According to the DM article, "Some 2,000 HGV drivers from the Royal Logistics Corps and other regiments are reported to be on a five-day notice to help distribute food and other essential supplies, including medicine".

2,000? Every little helps, I suppose ...
//25,000 "sent back" vs 14,275 "left of their own accord" in Q2 last year alone. It's still 14,275 we don't have.//
Agreed but gulliver isnt interested in a solution he just wants to have another go at Brexiters from his island/place abroad
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The UK was much happier, and better place for everyone in the good old days before Brexit.
No it wasn't.

Anyway, how do you know, since you don't live here?
76,000 shortfall in drivers. The Government sends in
2,000 Army drivers.

A typical Boris response. Half-arsed, ineffective, window dressing designed to appeal to his jingoistic supporters.
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12 19,"Oh yes it was".
This is a pantomime
Some of the shortage may be down to EU drivers going back to their own countries but much of the shortage will be down to drivers retiring and then no training of new drivers or tests being carried out because of covid. As usual though gulliver will always blame it on brexit.
Brexit happened 4 years before Covid, and has been an absolute shambles for business so far, this is just one aspect that has been highlighted to everyone as empty shelves cannot be ignored.
The empty shelves are due to a multitude of factors, not just Brexit.
What empty shelves? I haven’t seen any.
I have, deskdiary. I suppose our anecdotal evidence cancels each other's out?

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