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ToraToraTora | 09:33 Mon 16th Aug 2021 | News
258 Answers
Knowing what we know now, what should the West have done in response to 9/11 and other atrocities?


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Noticed nearly all the people trying to escape at the airport were mainly men , and of a conscription age .
11:19 Tue 17th Aug 2021
Also don’t forget that the US and co didn’t just wade into Afghanistan unilaterally.
They were allied with the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan. Who’s to say such an alliance will not re-form in the months to come.
I don't believe everything the usa government tells me... but what reason is there to think that it was not terrorism? I think the last 5 years has shown us the importance of not taking lies/misinformation at face value...
untitled i do think it was terrorism i just think who constructed it was part of american government rather than the Taliban or whatever name they were / are given now

i respect you may not agree with me and that is fine but many others think as i do and many others think as you do i can accept that either way it was terrorism
“ i just think who constructed it was part of american government rather than the Taliban or whatever name they were / are given now”

Untitled there are 100's of reasons why people think it was an "inside job" why don't you pick one and then we will discuss it.

The passport of the terrorist surviving is a bit odd, when half the building and plane didn't survive.

Not to mention how the terrorists were CIA assets.

WTC7 also fell, yet no plane. The twin towers seemed to be detonated... come on now surely you must have heard of some of the reasons especially as you're so certain it was not an inside job this means you have heard the reasons why it could have been and have been able to debunk them
// The twin towers seemed to be detonated..//

No they weren't. There was no explosion at ground level & it has been shown that the method of construction would lead to collapse from the intense fire caused by the planes' impacts.
//Untitled there are 100's of reasons why people think it was an "inside job" why don't you pick one and then we will discuss it.//

roadman if, theres hundreds of reasons why have you chosen some weak example's including the debunked one about planned detonations??
explain WTC7 then there was no plane
Thecorbyloon so are you telling me some Al-Qaeda terrorist went and set fire to world trade centre 7 because he couldnt find a plane to fly into it? and he set a fire so good it collapsed the builiding?

Or was the fire a coincidence it just happened to happen on the same day

Are people able to critically think or are they just scared that there might be something sinister afoot
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roadman/untitled please start another thread if you want to talk about the conspiracy theories surrounding 911.
toratoratora i will leave it because you wish and this is your question but you asked how we should have acted and i said we should look into the state more because in my opinion and the opinions of many others the state is not blameless
Agreed. Leon could try posting in Chatterbank or even Jokes (tho its no laughing matter). The report covers it- burning debris from the towers
ROADMAN, did you read the link?

Regarding the passport, debris from the planes, including remains of passengers strapped in their seats, were found blocks away.
“ WTC7 also fell, yet no plane.”

it was still very damaged and on fire for several hours.

“ he terrorists were CIA assets.”

Is there proof of this?

“ he passport of the terrorist surviving is a bit odd”

odd indeed…. but certainly not impossible.
Sorry toratora didn’t see your post
9/11 Was in the OP but you can't talk about it, you have to start another thread. Strange that.
Nearly 5,000 victims missing yet we found the drivers passport it just seems a little suspect
"it was still very damaged and on fire for several hours."

yeah but how lol thats my point all these guys flew planes into buildings how is that one on fire as i said did a guy go into it and set the place on fire because he couldnt find a plane or what and if he did how on earth he manage to do that set a fire big enough that the building fell down?
"odd indeed…. but certainly not impossible."

you could say the same for it being an inside job.. odd but not impossible

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