A film worth seeing or re seeing on Netflix
is Official Secrets - Kiera Knightly
Katherine Gun published a letter from GCHQ about Iraqi lies and Bliar lies and gets screwed under the Official Secrets Act, post Ponting (*). I wont spoil the end - why didnnt you hear of it at the time 2001 ( no not the film silly!) - well quite alot is in camera.
I found it - - piquante a) because Bliar has popped up again 2021- lying again. 2001 the crowd said - "yeah foo Blair is good innit" and in 2021 they are saying' "god look at that damned liar Blair - now £50m richer, why was I ever taken in?"
b) there is a lot of - "we cant print it, we may get into trouble, I mean real trouble". I got same at work - "you can defend X about Y but I cant because they might fire me". [Me: they might fire ME. Them: well yeah, so I get to keep my job then .....]
and b)