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There's No Pleasing Some!

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ToraToraTora | 09:12 Tue 31st Aug 2021 | News
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Getting into bed with the weird beards hasn't impressed Greta!


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There's a great read called 1215 written by Danny Danziger, exploring UK society back at the time of Magna Carta. I can't remember precisely the number but the climate was 1.5C warmer than 2003 and red wine was being grown as far north as Ely and white wine into Scotland, crops etc far higher up hill slopes as well. In fact, the drinks of choice were wine and mead,...
07:06 Wed 01st Sep 2021
// the overwhelming evidence is that this climate change is unnaturally rapid and the result of man made factors.//

No it isnt, well not the last bit certainly and over the millions of years the planet has been around trying to use the last 70 odd as the 'base' for 'normal' is laughable.
New Judge
Apparently they had some hot weather (not unknown in many parts of southern Europe). They had very little rain (also a common occurrence). Some fires were started (as they often are) and raged out of control because everything was very dry (as it usually is between June and August).

Did anything unusual happen?

Well the fires were a little bit more fierce than unusual and the scores dead from flooding in Germany and Belgium did not register either
Probably because they were attributed to man made factors too
Never mind eh ?
No it isnt, well not the last bit certainly and over the millions of years the planet has been around trying to use the last 70 odd as the 'base' for 'normal' is laughable.

You mean figures attributed to the era since the start of mass industry and petrochemical production ?
If you say so !
Do you ever look at the evidence ?
//...the scores dead from flooding in Germany and Belgium did not register either//

Stuff happens, unfortunately:

More than 1,800 dead in the Netherlands, 300 odd in England, 330 at sea. This was 1953.

Nine inches of rain in 24 hours. 34 deaths, 420 homeless. 1952.

1947 severe winter; 1963 winter where temperatures remained below zero for almost three months; 1976 heatwave and drought; 1979 Fastnet storm. That's just those I can think of off the top of my head that affected the UK. There have been countless "weather events" all over the world. Now they are attributed to man-made climate change. But stuff like this has been happening since long before climate change was even thought of.

Greta has had no sight yet of Murrell's 600k cheque to get her to back off.....He should learn that 'no one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in the middle of her climactic love'.
The frequency and severity of extreme weather events has in point of fact increased enormously and there is a good scientific basis for linking this to the fact that the planet has also become much warmer in the past century…

It is beyond doubt at this point that this warming is due primarily to human activity… principally due to the greenhouse effect.



So new judge and youngmafbog pointing to two isolated events from the past is completely meaningless… the question of whether or not humans are causing climate change is a scientific question that has been thoroughly researched… if you believe in science then there is a mountain of evidence that humans are responsible… if you believe in “gut feelings” then that is not science I’m afraid…
I find it quite curious that climate change was being recorded in the 19th century. From my history lessons I don’t recall any Victorian living a lifestyle comparable to ours. It follows then that man cannot be entirely responsible.
^ sigh
obviously natural factors change the climate... the science accounts for that. Human activity has caused a radiation imbalance that would not otherwise be there from natural factors alone...

On p.8 of the ipcc report you can see where the degree of measured heating started to depart from the range of expectable natural levels... it was in the middle of the twentieth century not the nineteenth.

If you deny the role of humanity in climate change then you are simply denying the conclusions of science... it is like denying evolution or the existence of the higgs boson.
Here's Gretas parents friend.
Follow the money.

\\In an interview with The Local, Ingmar Rentzhog insisted that the climate crisis, not profit, was his driving motive and that he remained on good terms with Greta Thunberg and her parents.//

Not profit..

\\“If my interest were to earn money, I should have stayed in my old company, because this is much, much higher risk. It's not money which is driving me.”//

Not money...

\\“Our goal is to have 100 million users and if we achieve that we can. like Facebook, earn money from ads.” //

Earn it is money then.
There's a great read called 1215 written by Danny Danziger, exploring UK society back at the time of Magna Carta.

I can't remember precisely the number but the climate was 1.5C warmer than 2003 and red wine was being grown as far north as Ely and white wine into Scotland, crops etc far higher up hill slopes as well. In fact, the drinks of choice were wine and mead, beer only coming to the fore when we dipped into the Tudors and the Little Ice Age which changed our crop growing.....Yep, climate change has always happened and has had a number of inputs both human and physical. On the latter, Krakatoa, a medium-large volcano, threw us back into colder winters at a time when we were warming up - look at all those early Christmas cards with pictures of the Thames frozen.

On the human front, the one thing I despair is the Amazon. It's not the first time, the Romans deforested the Libya hills and looked what happened there, the Sahara encroaching through and taking over part of the Roman 'bread-basket'.......
Some good answers. But people should be more concerned about plastic pollution, rather than climate change. In the big scheme of things, anything that the UK does to combat climate change, will be miniscule and ineffective. I'll say it again, and I'll keep on saying it; climate change is natural.
The degree of sustained warming we are currently experiencing are well outside what you would expect to occur naturally.
^No. SOME climate change is natural and some is manmade
10CS, I’m absolutely with you on the plastics issue. It’s something I feel quite passionate about. If Greta put her energies into encouraging people to clean
up the planet she would be worth having around. As it us she’s nothing more than hot air.
That was for 10Clarinst who thinks them scientists know nuffin and there all wrong (well 99% are, only Piers Corbys climate change deniers arent)
Agree Naomi. One of the worst offenders for plastic pollution is Extinction Rebellion, the mess they leaves behind
And when the hot air affects everyone will it be too late?
//So new judge and youngmafbog pointing to two isolated events from the past is completely meaningless…//

I pointed to more than two and in any case it is about as pointless as highlighting the few events that occurred recently. As I said, stuff happens. Always has, always will.

What this country is embarking on is a strategy that will further bankrupt it and its people (if that's possible), that will cause untold problems and will not make the slightest difference whatsoever to the problem the world is supposedly facing. It's the last bit that is the most important. The UK could, tomorrow, turn out all the lights and shut down its power generation, ground all its aircraft, prohibit any form of travel and stop all its cattle passing wind. It would not make any difference to the world's climate because the nations that are having the greatest influence on it have no intention, despite what they say, of cutting back their so-called pollution. They must be allowed to "catch up" with the developed world (so they say). I use the term "so-called" because allegedly the biggest pollutant is CO2. This is a natural gas vital to life but is now termed a pollutant.

The world needs to adapt to its changing climate instead of trying to fight those changes. Those measures I would support. Measures being devised by the thousands of delegates who are jetting into Glasgow in a few weeks' time I do not. It is simply virtue-signalling on a global scale and it's about time it was recognised for what it is.
i think too many people put this lady in high position what does she know and who cares what she says of if she is happy with an entire country lol we can all says oh were not doing enough and point fingers but what does that do lol nothing

uk matches sweden in climate change goals so why is this young swede focusing over the pond charity sarts at home love be the change you wish to see I notice sweden has no actual strategy to rach carbon zero by 2045

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