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New Gov't Department

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gulliver1 | 10:10 Mon 20th Sep 2021 | News
62 Answers
When Boris reshuffled his Cabinet he created a new Dept calling it,, "Ministry for levelling up".........
And appointed Michael as the Minister .Anyone know what this new post actually is .


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//Does anyone really know what “levelling up” in this context really means?//

It means "dumbing down". In an effort to make everybody equal there will be some winners and some losers. The losers will be those who already have the advantages/money/facilities or whatever it is that is being evenly distributed. I would have thought that a Tory government would know that you cannot make the poor richer by making the rich poorer. But that's exactly what "levelling up" will mean in this context.
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12.06 Well I never !.
Yep gull. A bit here and there won't be missed, or won't create to much of a stir. An x boss of mine from many moons ago who made a lot of money, once said to me, the public are generally naive, dangle a few carrots, make a few promises, and you have them in the bag. That's what all politicians do at election times and throughout their term in office, especially the cons. The carrots and promises just get bigger, and the public bigger fools.
It isa rebranding exercise.
Previously we had the Northern Powerhouse, dreamed up by George Osborne. Its mission was to even out the North/South divide by favouring investment in the North.
You don’t hear anything about it these days because it was an abject failure, as this new daft gimmick will be.
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12.06 So if Boris gives the less well of their £20 a week universal credit back.
Problem solved ...... Then the rich can carry on getting richer.
.....thats the way to do it...... .
12.29 Yes you have to make them feel as though they are fighting for that £20, don't just give way in the first few weeks. A bit like the 1% for the NHS. Then when they do get it their has happy as Larry thinking they got one over on the government.
TC 12:13, well if that's true it seems to be beyond Labour who have been in power for 20 years out of 120 years!
TTT you're like a broken record. Why do you have to bring Labour into every post? As you are so fond of repeating, they have not been in power for many years yet still seem to ruffle your feathers.
//So if Boris gives the less well of their £20 a week universal credit back.//

The trouble is, it's not theirs. It was a temporary increase to help UC recipients through the pandemic. Quite how they needed it whereas State Pensioners did not is a bit puzzling, but that's another question. Although the pandemic is not over, the effects that might have seen that £20 necessary are. Although it can never be said that £20 a week is not necessary, it is no longer justified.
NJ //Although it can never be said that £20 a week is not necessary, it is no longer justified.// From what I've been hearing about gas prices going up sharply, maybe it will be justified?
Teacake. I don’t think it’s especially the cons. Jeremy Corbyn was going to work miracles like none before him. Thank goodness he wasn’t given the opportunity!!
Well the way Johnson is spending money like water I am begining to wonder if COB would have been much different in that department.

We now have a centre left party in power that is New Labour in all but name. With a load more Green Party stuff shoved in no doubt thanks to Princess Nut Nut.

I want my Party back, Johnson needs to go.
I don’t want him to go. I think he’s fine alright - especially in unprecedented circumstances.
Well you may well be a liberal green leftie Naomi but I am not.

There are other parties for that sort of thing why hijack another?

// especially in unprecedented circumstances.//

And what may they be now? or are you referring to bloody Climate Warming or whatever its called this week?

The instruction manual for the new department is here:
Nothing to do with climate change - and I’m not a liberal green leftie. Boris can’t do right for doing wrong for some people. I wouldn’t want his job - and neither would any of you lot.
// Probably just like the "ministry of silly walks" Gully
that was based on a teaching video on 'gait' from the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases

Levellin up - the man from the ministry examines a body
say the Cabinet - and says - it works OK ish but it is too white and too oxbrdige and too PPE and no one can add - not even the Chancellor

// I wouldn’t want his job - and neither would any of you lot.//

oh um thx for that - the alphas work so hard..... far harder than us ( thx to Brave new world)
- Did naomi ever say - dont speak for me - - I can speak for myself.
ho hum, all truth is on here somewhere....
PP, I don’t recall. When did I say that?

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