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I Think The Petrol Queues Are Subsiding.......

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ToraToraTora | 14:39 Sun 26th Sep 2021 | News
84 Answers
err indoors has just driven by several with no queue, one garage is rationing it to £30 per customer but there was no queue. I think all the panick buyers have now filled up everything they have. I saw some nobedski with about 6 petrol cans yesterday! PMSL


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What do you recon will be the next anti Brexit propaganda stunt from the BBC?
Brexit,eh.The gift that keeps on giving.Only in Britain.No empty shelves in France or Germany or Spain.No queues outside their petrol stations.The sunny uplands keep going away further.
Went out for lunch today and opposite the pub is a Sainsbury's store. No massive queues at the petrol station there, just a few cars.
Perhaps we should send the BBC over there??
@17.07.Perhaps by telling the British people the truth-Brexit has been a total disaster all round.
When are you emigrating, ynna?
^why pick on the BBC? Didn't all media outlets report the same thing?
Also, no shortages on Sainsbury's shelves, or at Asda where I shopped on Friday.
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You could say we are living on the edge ynna just before we drop off completely due to the British stiff upper lip as they say, don't think the latter will pay off this time.
So now I know what BP stands for,,,,, "Brexit Petrol". thats if you can get any.
This fella was not taking any chances .

17.26 Or, Boris's Policies.
@17.22.Wont be going nowhere,Naomi.I stand my ground in my beautiful country that i live in,i dont intend any Brexiteers to stand in my way.
Lol @ Bazile. Then I thought ... hang on the remainiacs will think it is true.
Ynna, thassa boy … or girl. You tell ‘em. :o)
Better get used to it laddie...or quinie..or whatever...
Ynna, I did have the courtesy to look at your profile. You appear to be a don’t know.
She's a quine.

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