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Boris Interview On Bbc Breakfast

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grumpy01 | 06:43 Tue 05th Oct 2021 | News
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Boris is a waffler.He talks away without really answering anything.I really want the Government to succeed but with him at the helm I just don’t see it happening.


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What more can i say,grumpy.Both here in Scotland and down in London we have the most incompetent,useless,heidbanging eejits you could imagine running a first world country.Surely these pair of ***(both Johnson and Sturgeon)must be the ultimate nadir in world governments.Can it get any worse?....nadir(noun)-the lowest point in ones fortunes;a time...
09:36 Tue 05th Oct 2021
What do you want them to do?
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Get rid of the Dick woman would be a start.
what do you want them to do
oh the the usual [ what dey den - spiky AB one liner!]
identify problems and solve them
even previsage problems ( er see them on the horizon for ABers)
not embezzle funds - not give contracts to pals or tax breaks to same pals
reform police

you know - obvious stuff for people who read newpapers

Haha - did you spot - Boris for it is he: they are short of lorry drivers in Chinsa
Dan: let us talk about the shortage in London

you didnt? never mind....
Dick woman may be a non communicator but MAY be a reformer ( doer but not speaker) in which case give her a chance

another chance ( yeah foo givda poor cow anuvva chance! - hey another AB one-liner!)
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Thanks Peter you’ve summed it up for me perfectly.
Got to agree with you on that one, grumpy, but it’s not going to happen. Only last month her contract was extended for another two years.
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Peter,Cressida Dick has had enough time to at least get some reform underway.My argument is she should never have had the job in the first place.This rubbish he’s spouting about CCTV and Streetlights in an attempt to reduce violence is meaningless along as shops are able to sell knives.
Your description applies to all politicians.
Shops can hardly stop selling knives. That’s unrealistic.
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On the knives issue,surely some more secure methods should be implemented in the display of these dangerous weapons.Accessibility to them,especially in London,seems far too easy.
many are probably bought on line, as they seem like combat knives in many cases, some are the size of a small man.
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Emmie,I think that is probably the case as any self respecting hardware store would be very careful who they knives too.
I'd like Johnson to drop the green rubbish. Have it as a long term goal but with realistic achievements not potentially committing millions of low income people to fuel poverty.

Oh, and no more tax rises. REduce the size and spending of Government both central and local.

There are many otehr things too, really I just want the man to be a Tory.
When I was a lad (9/10) getting your first sheath knife was a rite of passage. But we didn't go around stabbing people or even "pretend" fighting with them. I think the problem lies elsewhere than just the availability of knives.
they must be getting them from someplace, as the police have stopped and searched people to find they have knives on them, not only that but on the news it showed you how many knives have been confiscated, or handed in, literally thousands.
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