Poor Woman in The AnswerBank: News
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Poor Woman

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royfromaus | 11:07 Sun 24th Oct 2021 | News
34 Answers
'I am a black woman in a white court, facing a white system and white prosecutors.

'I have been deliberately targeted because I am vulnerable.'

'I know first-hand the sexism and racism institutions and media use to vilify black women.'

Bless Claudia's little cotton socks

(we don't bother with links now, I'm telt)
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Who is this lady? That might help Roy
She's a black woman in an English court.
Is there any worse fate than being banned by Labour?
"(we don't bother with links now, I'm telt)"

Where did you read that?
The Dingo Times, maybe TCL.
// I have been deliberately targeted because I am vulnerable.'//

No love you threatened to throw acid over a suspected love rival, that's why you were arrested, not because of the colour of your skin.

Criminals deserve to be discriminated against! Damn savage...
//Where did you read that? //

The Ed/SpareEd said just recently that links weren't essential - or words to that effect.

Yes, this poor woman. All she did was, to use her own phrase, 'deliberately target' her intended victim for an acid attack. Nothing wrong with that!
do you have a link to the story you'd like to discuss?
oh it's about the nasty Labour MP, right oh!
Every time I see that woman I now think of poor Katie Piper.

Steady, roy, mentioning black woman and cotton socks in the same post. You don't want to be racist now...
TCL, roy is just exercising his right not to be common:

"It is common practice to offer a link to the news article you would like to discuss but it is not mandatory."
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Would your average black person be more sympathetic to an odious individual who threatens to throw acid on someone they dislike, post revenge porn and make harassing phone calls?

It's an interesting thought.

//Every time I see that woman I now think of poor Katie Piper. //

When I read this I too thought of that poor girl. There are some real creatures in this world.
Question Author
Steady, roy, mentioning black woman and cotton socks in the same post.
choux, when I read that back I did think about changing it...but then I thought, why?
I use that sentence often...i won't let them get to me.
doesn't matter what colour she is , she's a wrong un, end of!
Well, I hope they get a black judge to preside then she'll have nothing to moan about.

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