Flu And Covid Jab At The Same Time in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Flu And Covid Jab At The Same Time

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tiggerblue10 | 18:12 Fri 19th Nov 2021 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Don't know if this has been asked before but anyway.....I'm booked to have my third covid jab next Friday but can I book a flu jab for the same day? Or do I have to wait a certain amount of time between jabs?
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Lots of people have them at the same time (different arms!)
Perfectly fine together - the one you need to leave a gap with is the Shingles (which you are far too young for) and any other vaccine.
I had my booster yesterday evening and was asked if I'd like my flu vac too. I declined. Will have it in next week or two at go surgery
Couple of friends had both jags on the same day.
You can have them both at the same time. Some people have one in each arm but one of the doctors on TV sad she gives both in the same arm so that you only have one sore arm.
I had both on the same day
The only problem I see with having both jabs at the same time, is if you have a reaction, you do not know which jab caused the reaction.
As I'm similar age to you Tigger and also do get the Flu jab annually, When offered I will get them at the same time even though AZ for the first two but think it Phitzer for the booster as read on here doesn't seem as complimentary.
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Thanks all x

My covid jab is booked at 10.20 in one place in Croydon and I'll book the flu jab for 11 in Boots which isn't far from there. Just want to kill two birds so I don't have to keep going into Croydon. Been trying to get my flu jab done in pharmacies near me but they never have them in stock.
My local Pharmacy never seems to have any and local surgery hasn't 'fully' opened yet so still have to travel to get them (not too far) but they'll let me know as I do get txt updates etc...
Both same day. No problems so far. ( slightly red pailful arms).

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Flu And Covid Jab At The Same Time

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