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Rittenhouse Acquitted

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piggynose | 10:25 Sat 20th Nov 2021 | News
61 Answers

Its doesnt seem a popular verdict due to the riots. What do you think?
sorry if this has already been covered.


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You haven't answered my question, bob.
If you say so Roy.
Did you watch the trial, bob?
He didn't have to travel twenty miles from his home sporting a gun and walking around like he was an extra in "High Noon" did he.
If there are any timeless fans here looks like its coming true.
bobinwellingtonsinwales,so the 12 people on the jury got it wrong,even though they heard/saw all the evidence.
Nobody here has a clue about this. You didn't attend the trial. All you do is respond in accordance with your preconceived notions.
^^ ^^
Or go along with the jury and their verdict.
17 year old puts an assault rifle into a car, drives 30 minutes, and goes out into a riot. He finds himself in a situation that terrifies him so much that he shoots three unarmed people, killing two of them.

Lots of problems here, obviously, but apparently none of them with him ...
Yes, Ellipsis, but this was the USA and this was a trial under USA law, not an AB referendum.
// If there are any timeless fans here looks like its coming true.//
foo I wondered if anyone wd get the parallel.

surprised the President ( of the land of the free) passed an opinion. They arent meant to ( separation of powers etc)

oh time for ( some latin )
1762 - R v Wilkes - appeal against general warrants
Fiat justicia - ruant coela

let justice be done - tho the heavens fall

Mansfield (*) on the demonstrations outside the court house

(*) thousands of Abers quip - hoo he den? - heeda place orda person den ? etc etc a flood of one liner side splitters

//Lots of problems here//

Not least, ellipses, people forming and sharing opinions on things that they clearly know nothing about.
How far did the rioters travel?
How far did the rioters travel?
Rittenhouse traveled 21 miles to the district that his father lived in, helped to clean up graffiti and was helping others to extinguish a fire set by the looters when he was attacked. He was the youngest of the group and therefor identified by the attackers as the most vulnerable. Gaige Grosskreutz, the convicted criminal, pointed an illegally held gun at Rittenhouse's head and was shot in the arm. He travelled 51 miles to the "shopping centre".
It all sounds great, until you realise he was 17 and armed with an assault rifle, he killed two unarmed people and nobody else killed anybody, and he didn't have to be there but he was (with his gun) by his own choice.
//and was shot in the arm.//

I wonder is that what Ellipsis meant when he described him as unarmed.
He had as much right to be there as the rioters.
Whilst Kyle has done the world a massive service by ridding the world of an evil convicted paediphile, I can't help agree that a young lad wandering around Milwaukee armed with a shooter, was a bit crazy too. Looks to me Kyle was looking for trouble.

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