With reference to the edict to wear masks in shops as from tomorrow I'd like to know what constitutes a "shop". Banks? Building Societies, walkways between 2 streets but covered and with shops on either side, libraries (as they often sell things too) cafés with a counter which sells cakes etc??? Has anyone thought this through?
I can't see what the problem is. I have a breathing problem but would rather mask up than be infected in any way and want others to have the same respect for themselves and others.
Probably this will not stop covid or other viruses spreading but it will reduce their ability to spread so efficiently.
Talk of the midlands is Tony the Goatman, all he has under the cloak is an Aston Villa Willie warmer and an evil grin. I will try and find a link to the last court case.
even I who read law at uni find this less than riveting
zillions of shops acts
defined because evryone wd say from 1811 ( first shop act that is!) oh that is not me
This has just been covered on the BBC news because some poor folk confused. Just read Samacs' post and apply common sense. Sometimes I just wonder .....
//I have a breathing problem but would rather mask up than be infected in any way...//
Then unless you use a FFP3 grade (or better) mask, you may be disappointed, lady janine. Flimsy cloth masks of the type worn by many people do not protect the wearer. They are said to protect those around them. So, as with most things, if you want to take precautionary measures you must take them yourself and not rely on other people.
I read an article online today which stated that certain quasi-medical establishments didn't require masks to be worn e.g. Dentists (which is obvious), podiatrists (err - what have feet go to do with the ability to wear a mask?) osteopaths (ditto)and so it went on - this list was unbelievable!