//The alternative is that those unvaccinated who do begin to struggle to breathe stay at home and stand by their convictions but being the hypocrites they are they will not//
Unfortunately there's an equally tiny flaw with that strategy as well.
As I explained in an earlier question, I have a neighbour who is in urgent need of heart surgery. If she does not have it by the coming summer there is a very good chance she will die. It was planned for last October then postponed until December. Now it has been postponed indefinitely. She often (increasingly more often) struggles to breathe. She cannot be admitted to hospital because there is little spare capacity. Any there is is being ring fenced for the expected surge of Covid patients. Many of the Covid patients already there are unvaccinated and there is very probability that if they had been jabbed they would not be there. So why should my neighbour (who, despite her health problems, has managed to secure three Covid jabs) have less priority on a hospital bed than people who have declined a treatment which, almost certainly, would keep 90% of them out of hospital? It seems the best thing she can do is contract Covid and hope that her symptoms are serious enough for her to need hospitalisation. Hopefully whilst she's in dock they will sort her heart problem out for her as well.