//CIPS, which is administered by the People’s Bank of China, handled 2.2 million payment transactions last year with a total value of 45.2 trillion yuan.//
Piffling amount, CLS (The Banks settlement system) settles over USD6.0 trillion of payments in 18 of the most actively traded currencies globally, tis is done by SWIFT. I know I put the current system in place with IBM.
You keep on about payments but SWIFT is much more. Payments (MT1nn) are one part but there are also FX transactions and TRADE/Settlements with massive values. I also worked in the High value Payments systems for one of the Worlds biggest banks. $50m individual transactions were not unusual over SWIFT throughout the day. I also worked in the US on where they were moving around $4trillion a day (although not on SWIFT as it was internal but it shows you dont grasp the huge amounts). And this is just one Bank.