Thatcher has Galtieri to thank for her good fortune in winning the 1983 election. Up to the invasion of the Falklands, Thatcher and the Tories had made a right town halls of the economy, with unemployment at record levels, even worse than the ad which said: Labour Isn't Working. They were massively behing Labour in the polls.
Having won the election, Thatcher then proceeded to wreak more carnage on the industrial base of this country than even Adolf Hitler could manage in WW2. Industries were being sold off to the venture capitalist cronies of her husband.
If you think she was good for this country, you mustn't have been affected by any of her govts actions and at the end of her tenure, had profitted financially from the hardship she brought to millions.
Those people who egged her new statue the other week should be ashamed of themselves for not pulling it down instead. They wouldn't have been prosecuted. A precedent has already been set on that. I was pleased when she pegged out and I went to a street party in Yorkshire with a few friends to celebrate. It was just 35 years too late. Good riddancce to The Ghasly Lump.
Apart from that, everything's fine thanks! :o)