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Cricket Scotland.........

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ToraToraTora | 11:06 Mon 25th Jul 2022 | News
20 Answers
...pretty devastating report.


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One does wonder from where the other 20% of the new board will be drawn.
The BBC missed a word from the report which actually said,

"The diversity of the Board members should be a minimum of 40% men and 40% women"
//The operations of Cricket Scotland has now been placed in special measures, which means Sportscotland has effectively taken control until October 2023.//

What on Earth is a government department doing controlling a sporting organisation?

//A new Cricket Scotland board must be in place by September 2022 …with at least 25% from an ethnic minority.//

Why? At the last census 92% of respondents identified themselves as either “White Scottish” or “White British”. Why should ethnic minorities receive three times the representation their ethnicities warrant?
//Why should ethnic minorities receive three times the representation their ethnicities warrant?//

To help stop the racism rife in the previous board's term.
You ask why, after that "pretty devastating report" ...

The 25% is a response to the findings of the report.
Not sure how 25% of a five person board works though. Surely it's got to be either 20% or 40%?
//To help stop the racism rife in the previous board's term.//

Is it only ethnic minorities who are able to combat racism?
Cricket? - In Scotland? WOW - civilisation must be catching up with them!
No, but given the findings of the recent report, I'd suggest that a couple of non-whites would be better placed to counter racism. Especially if they have suffered from it in the past.
Bless you for looking outward for a change, davebro, we'll make a world citizen of you yet. x
//I'd suggest that a couple of non-whites would be better placed to counter racism.//

So only non-whites suffer from racism, then? Sorry to persist, but the theme here seems to be that only non-whites suffer racism and only those same non-whites can prevent it.
how many whites have suffered racism in the Scotland cricket team then?
If that's needed to combat all forms of discrimination you would need a multitude of colours & sexual orientations of all genders and ages.

But there's only 5 of them. hm...
//So only non-whites suffer from racism, then?//

Of course not, but we're talking about Cricket Scotland, of which the racism reported has been exclusively against non-white, predominantly Asian, players. This isn't a national generalisation, it's concerning a singular organisation.
> Not sure how 25% of a five person board works though. Surely it's got to be either 20% or 40%?

Not sure how NJ's proposed 8% would work either ...

> Is it only ethnic minorities who are able to combat racism?

If it helps, just think of the newly imposed non-white quota as a punishment for having been so crap for so long with an all-white board ...
But they may have been crap because they all went to the same school or because they all liked Polo mints. I didn't think we chose people for positions based on their ethnicity. In fact I thought it was unlawful. As I understand it, the "positive action" provisions in the Equality Act allow for such action (perhaps better known as positive discrimination) only if it seeks to address an under representation of people with a protected characteristic and only then if there are candidates of equal suitability and one of them has that protected characteristic.

Setting an arbitrary quota in this case (i.e. 25% or 1.25 of the posts) seems to fall foul of the first of these requirements and the second cannot be determined until all the candidates have been assessed. To simply accept that the panel must comprise 25% ethnic minority members seems a bit presumptive. Most of all it seems to be a "given" that the earlier board failed because its members were not from an ethnic minority. Was there evidence of this or is it simply a presumption?
The 25% is a recommendation of the report:
5.0 Conclusions and immediate recommendations
5.1 Immediate recommendations for sportscotland to implement
1. Cricket Scotland is placed in special measures by sportscotland
• To be in place until October 2023 to provide a full year of oversight by sportscotland
• Cricket Scotland to commence an immediate recruitment process for new Board members, with appointments made no later than 30 September 2022
• Given the resignation of the existing Board on 24 July 2022. It is recommended that new Board members must not have a relationship with Cricket Scotland, organisations, or individuals that could cause a conflict of interest
• The diversity of the Board members should be a minimum of 40% men and 40% women, and ensuring that a minimum of 25% of the total Board makeup come from of Black, South-East Asian, or other mixed or multiple ethnic groups. Getting to Know You survey – club players
diversity is 25% from those communities and this should be reflected in the membership of the new Board
In effect then the entire board has been blackballed.
I'm still amazed that Scots give a (full) toss about cricket!
We keep it quiet to have an advantage over locals when holidaying in England, turning on the talent and shaming our hosts.

It's called the Jocks trap.

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