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Just Got My Voting Paper.......

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ToraToraTora | 08:23 Fri 05th Aug 2022 | News
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...voted online for Liz!


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// They're both spouting hot air.//
god I hope so
even the Times ( today ) is saying cutting interest rates with high inflation will boost it
( I am not sure if they said 'look at 1973-79' as I knew that anyway)

have we had any calls of " who asked us?"
and why not
Ooooo ... so that's who you are! Welcome back, Lottie. Nice to see you.
//voted online for Liz!//
we'll know who to blame when things go seriously wrong, which they will :-(

I assume ABR is Anti Brexit Remainer. Truss was.
"A new centrist party maybe governing in coalition with either the extreme lefties or righties"

The thing is our voting system is not geared to that, perhaps, sadly.
Macron did that in France (whose system is actually better) and it worked well to start, but what happened was it naturally attracted all the sensible and talented people from the other parties and left only extreme opposition largely. So that's then the problem: who do you vote for if you don't want the middle ground any more?
What's left? But French politics is more fluid anyway. We have a system of winner take all, and works best when you have two main parties. What's likely to happen at the next election is an unoffical alliance of Labour and Lib Dem to oppose a party which has been in power pretty much for 14 years.
//I assume ABR is Anti Brexit Remainer. Truss was.//

I believed it to be Against Brexit and Royalty but apparently she’s changed her mind about one….or both?
It is all pointless and a missed opportunity.

We have had weeks of this and neither candidate has presented 1 new policy.

We have record inflation and the BoE says a recession is imminent, and Truss’ says she will cut taxes, without explaining how that will be paid for.

So it is clear, whoever is elected we will get the same rudderless, incompetent Government we have had for 3 years.

We need a string leader to see us through the tough times that are approaching, but neither Sunak or Truss is that.
Truss is the best option for Labour. However they will no doubt do their utmost to self destruct before the next election. They've already started the process.
I meant to say that I favour Liz Truss for the sole reason that I think she will be harder on Russia. Sometimes pretending to be the Iron Lady can be a good thing.
Sunak appears more sensible, but he messed that budget up badly which I am not sure has been forgotten.
For the sake of the country I hope the Tories put the Johnson in-fighting behind them quickly.
We need a *strong* leader.

I was not calling for a puppet.
A string leader, eh? Well you can have stringy pork and stringy cheese, so maybe Truss is the right one after all ...

"We have had weeks of this and neither candidate has presented 1 new policy. "

I would not trust any policy dreamed up in an election campaign such as this, We have had at least one and it was reversed.
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gromit: "It is all pointless and a missed opportunity. " - what opportunity was missed?
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Gromit: "We need a string leader to see us through the tough times that are approaching..." - you mean like the one we have now?
Plenty of comments from the resident lefties I see. Well who cares what you think, you would never vote for either of them anyway.
//gromit: "It is all pointless and a missed opportunity. " - what opportunity was missed?//

For the Tory Party to lose the Johnson skid-mark and start afresh, not have a cabinet clone replace him for more of the ‘same old’.
''Truss’ says she will cut taxes, without explaining how that will be paid for.'''
She doesnt need to, unlike yourself most Tory members will be au fait with the principle of lowering taxes to increase tax income. Also, again unlike yourself, they will have a reasonable understanding of economics.

Some of the resident lefties seem to have forgotten that this is all aimed at Tory Party members not the general electorate and certainly not at a bunch of mooning Pinkos who would never vote for them anyway.
//gromit: "It is all pointless and a missed opportunity. " - what opportunity was missed?//

Perhaps you could also suggest who (ignoring the choices) you would have liked to have seen?
Ellipsis, I see Sunak is boasting of how he's taking money from the poor to give to the rich. This must surely win him more support!
"most Tory members will be au fait with the principle of lowering taxes to increase tax income."

She wasn't, "au fait" as to how she had arrived at an £8.8 billion annual saving if regional pay boards were introduced.

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