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Paigntonian | 21:47 Mon 22nd Aug 2022 | News
55 Answers
According to the Beeb junior barristers earn an average of £12,400 a year, a figure I find very hard to believe. Newsnight also says that the government has offered a pay rise of 15 per cent which would 'add £7,000 a year' to their annual salaries. Many on this site will be better mathematicians than I but I can't work those figures out.


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Thanks for all the contributions. It simply can't be true that 'junior' barristers earn £12,400 a year. So are the strikers lying?
Seems as if this is just another go at anyone taking action over their pay, conditions and chronic underfunding over many years, from the usual sources.
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Fatt: Yet again comes the mantra 'chronically underfunded'. Is there a point at which you would feel that government departments had sufficient money? Would you like the health service budget tripled, the defence budget quadrupled, the education budget doubled? It really is juvenile.
//And Junior barristers are still very much barristers - despite what is claimed above.//

If they were real barristers they would get real barristers rewards.
Junior-doctors may carry out the some of the same procedures as doctors, but that doesn't make them fully qualified doctors.

At one time trainees in some professions, not only didn't receive a salary, they actually paid to learn, because the future remuneration was so attractive. And my recent dealings with 3 lawyers here certainly & eye-wateringly bears this out.
I love this about Answerbank. Someone posts who actually works in the field at a fairly high level and people still challenge their facts.
//I love this about Answerbank. Someone posts who actually works in the field at a fairly high level and people still challenge their facts.//

I concur.
Oh, the irony.
//Fatt: Yet again comes the mantra 'chronically underfunded'//

As was mentioned by the lady on Newsnight last night(that you watched) brought in to specifically refute any claims made by the Tory minister.
You didn’t dispute her claims though, didn’t even mention them, so why now?
I’m just echoing what she said, so why didn’t you mention that in your OP?
Khandro, junior doctors are fully qualified doctors. They just haven’t gone on to qualify in any specific area.
//Oh, the irony.//

You’re obviously confused again.
I’m not disputing any of the figures that some on this thread are, I watched the programme.
The evidence in the piece bore out what she claimed.
//Khandro, junior doctors are fully qualified doctors. They just haven’t gone on to qualify in any specific area.//

No doubt the next group to feel the ire of the AB Tory Party Borstriches.
My comment wasn't []per se[] about this thread.
There is no shortage of Barristers, junior or otherwise, when the game is to thwart the Government over say ... illegal immigrants. It is the abuse of the legal aid system for political reasons that needs sorting.
When I began teaching (1972) I was on a 'Probationary Year' which I had to complete successfully. The pay was at the bottom of the scale. Once I had done that successfully I gained an increment for every full year as a teacher, reflecting my increasing experience (and usefulness). I would expect Junior members of any profession to be in much the same boat, so I don't have much sympathy.
As for the maths in the OP, it doesn't make sense - but some of the answers have explained it very well.
/// Someone posts who actually works in the field at a fairly high level ///

So they say.
PAIGNTONIAN, "It simply can't be true that 'junior' barristers earn £12,400 a year."

How not? Its not claimed that ALL junior barristers earn that amount, is it?

naomi; // junior doctors are fully qualified doctors. They just haven’t gone on to qualify in any specific area.//

Khandro, your link says ‘all junior doctors are qualified doctors’.
Khandro, did you read your link? It says, in the fourth paragraph

All junior doctors are qualified doctors

exactly as naomi told you.
With all the Barristers on strike would it be a good time to fill the planes up with illegals and send them to Rwanda?

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