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Sir Keir Starmer.

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gulliver1 | 11:34 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | News
22 Answers
Says . Britain has lost its most steadying influence with the death of the Queen, as we marked 70 glorious years it seems impossible to imagine a Britain without her . It is the end of a great era. And he is confident that Britains best days are yet to come ."Things can only get Better".


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Jolly good.
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Now that the Thorn in the flesh has been removed from Downing St . "Things can only get better."
Is this news?
Apparently so. Starmer spoke.
Come on gully give Olive (Popeye) a chance to party :0)
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"King Charles's tour of the country shows that while we mourn the end of an era .we can still look forward to a new one" .....Well said Sir Keir.
Bland, predicable, forgettable.
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Pimply @ 11 47 .I think the Party is finally over for that Party..... for many years to come. lol.
what drivel, not from gully as that is a given, but from starmer - windbag.....
Yep gully they must see something coming because they are getting all the big boys back on the bonuses. Before the SH*** HITS THE FAN.
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DTC @ 11.53 .Tony Blair said when he was elected PM "Things can only get better"and they did, lets hope Sir Keir will do the same. PMIW.
Yes PMIW ... so long as our party keep faith in him for the next 2 years until the GE
He’s got to say something. It was OK.
Has Truss made a statement? If she has, I’ve instantly forgotten it.
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Sir Keir also said..
"It was when I had the honour of attending The Platinum Jubilee celebration this year that I began to reflect on what the Queens reign has meant to the UK.".
Better late than never I suppose
Gull: You're quoting the utterly banal comments from Starmer, comments that many have made. Do you think it somehow important that he echoes the views expressed by many? You sound as though you've got a schoolboy crush.
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Sir Keir also said "The Queen seemed as permanent a feature of our Country as the mountains of Balmoral"- the place she loved.
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Paign @ 11.49. Don't get upset . Feel free to Quote some of Boris's lies to the Queen.

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Sir Keir Starmer.

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