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Harry And Meg

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MissTerious | 12:02 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | News
22 Answers
I know it's the Daily Mail, but reported in all the papers to some degree

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Who cares ?
Why? Did Willie and Kate not want them there?
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Lots on AB Anne, not me in particular. And a bit more newsy than Gullys thread above you didn't remark on!
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Beause they are not working royals Maggie.
This thread will take off like a rocket. Or is there no bile left?
12.10. What ?
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So they learnt from press reports that the had been uninvited?
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So they say Tigger.
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No bile from me pimply. Just some news I thought people would be interested in.
No idea what you talking about mt, maybe leave it now .
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And it's in the right section with a link . I haven't added my thoughts yet......
Unless they've lost the power of speech or sign language one would have thought they would have been able to ask if they would be welcomed or required. The idea that they discovered this from a newspaper is ludicrous.
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Agreed Paign. I doubt that's true though.
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Alli will say is that I think is is right that they are not invited as its just for working Royals.
I wouldn't think they are bothered about the after bash they have done what was required now, well nearly. The gutter press will find something or some way of slinging more mud in their direction.
As far as I read they weren’t invited and neither was Andrew because they’re not working royals. I can’t see a mistake like that being made.
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Pimply the occasion isn't an after bash. It's today.
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Agreed Naomi. Unfortunately I see most press as gutter press now.

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