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Paigntonian | 04:13 Sat 29th Oct 2022 | News
27 Answers
The Ruskies must be hissing themselves laughing.


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why would they?
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emmie: US politics is falling apart. Of course their rivals are enjoying every minute of it.
no it's not, i expect Biden will take the election....
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emmie: Biden's not up for election.
i thought it was the mid terms.
whatever the case, Biden will stay in place for the duration of his tenure, unless he pegs it beforehand.
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emmie: They are the mid-terms, for Congress not for the presidency.
ok. i confess i haven't been following it quite so much, as i am more concerned with what's happening here.
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my knowledge of US politics, is from The West Wing and trying to follow it on the news, however i find that my attention is more attuned to domestic matters here.
This is what happens when angry dimwits get fed with lies and conspiracy theories.

The MAGA section of the Republican Party is turning into a terrorist organisation.

I’m sure Biden will be keeping a close, rheumy, eye on things…in between his nappy changes.
I wouldn't say too much just yet.
^ to Tomus.
the motive for the attack has not yet confirmed.... let's not be all toratoratora about it perhaps

ignoring this particular attack political violence especially from the right is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the USA

the republicans very often benefit from the consequences of these attacks (e.g. intimidation) even where they are not directly affiliated. given their recent history there is a real worry that they could leverage all the armed and violent extremist groups that align with them in order to gain political advantage or attempt a second and larger scale insurrection... the democrats have simply been unwilling or unable to do much to counter this threat. Very worrying problem indeed.
Let's do the usual dance then. Not politically motivated terrorism...just a bunch of individuals with mental health issues.
//ignoring this particular attack political violence especially from the right is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the USA//

Ignoring these particular attacks too? They are in the link provied.

""In June, a man was arrested near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He had travelled to the Washington suburb from California and called police after he arrived to tell them he had a firearm and intended to kill the conservative justice.

The following month, Republican candidate for governor, Lee Zeldin, was attacked while on stage during a campaign rally.

Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has had police respond to her home six times based on anonymous hoax calls. The practice, called "swatting", is used to try to provoke a confrontation between the target and law enforcement. She has also been the target of numerous death threats.

Partisan violence - and the threat of it - is nothing new in American politics, of course. The bloodiest recent attack occurred five years ago, when a man with multiple weapons opened fire on Republican politicians playing baseball at a city park. Five were injured, including one critically ....""

I assume that USA's enemies around the world are feeding US citizens with online hate-fuel and lies to try to destabilise the USA. A civil war is more and more likely.

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