The NHS is currently spending £40 million, yes you read that correctly... £40 million, a year on "Diversity and Inclusion staff". That is a lot of extra nurses or better pay for the existing ones. Almost £770,000 a day(including weekends) on diversity staff. How much is also spent on the woke rubbish that litters the walls of every Hospital ward and reception area, and the infrastructure to accommodate the "staff" that peddle the psycho babble? Who told the NHS that it was in their brief to become a guilt trip and gaslighting wing of the woke brigades? Until our legacy organisations are cleared of the parasitic political and manipulative mind game practitioners we can never reward the deserving with fair remuneration. The people who hold the positions that are purely designed, by themselves, to cause harm and deflect from the real purpose of our NHS need to be dragged out of office just as surely as they have parachuted themselves in to cause harm whilst enriching themselves.