As we all know, because it's how we all communicate with each other, written exchanges can often loose some, if not all of their intent.
Sarcasm, irony, humour, hyperbole, and, as in this case, a level of hysteria clearly intended to mock the ire and anger of the tabloids, can entirely be missed, and taken seriously by those who are either unfamiliar with Mr Clarkson's writing, or simply don't stop to think whether it was actually seriously meant, or not.
He was taking the peace out of the tabloids, in the same way as Alf Garnett used to do to the Skin Heads and Nazis and like them, people like the OP here and others miss the point entirely. JC portrays a character, ain't rocket is it?
So it's not real, it's comedy, Jeremy doesn't really hate Meghan, and all the people who really do hate Meghan can't link to this article and count him as a supporter. Is that it, TTT?
It doesn't mean he's a secret admirer elipsis, it's not black and white. I suspect, like many he doesn't think much of her, this is just an amplification for journalistic mirth.
Well the big difference between Jeremy Clarkson and Alf Garnett is that Jeremy Clarkson is a real person. Alf Garnett was at least a character, and even so we know that people struggled to differentiate between the character and Warren Mitchell.
Lorraine Kelly recently went to court over the fact that her on-screen character, Lorraine, was not her, Lorraine Kelly. Jeremy Clarkson could no doubt argue the same thing, that he the real Jeremy Clarkson doesn't really hate Meghan Markle, but would he? Why would he?
So I return to my question. What's Clarkson doing ... Jumping on the bandwagon? Stirring the pot? Making matters worse?
Definitely making matters worse, and turning up the hatred of this woman.
She tends to have a go at institutions, not individuals. Clarkson is turning up the hatred dial on her personally. He even used the word "hate', something I don't think she's done.