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Trans Attack

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fender62 | 13:37 Fri 07th Apr 2023 | News
32 Answers
will this nonsense ever end, a biological woman athlete speaks up has an opinion, get's attacked by a guy in a dress, id make in it law no shared facilities for trans people, toilets changing rooms etc, we have seen it's open to abuse, and i personally would not want to share either.


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Why does the government bend over backwards to try to make a tiny but vocally loud minority happy? It won't gain them any votes with the vast majority. Who are they frightened of? Just ignore them.
I'm not sure what you're saying about the Nike advert mushroom and I saw it. To be honest I wouldn't care if it was advertised by a trans woman as long as she'd gone through surgery to make her look like a woman who needed a sports bra. This particular advert depicts someone so thin and boobless it's not relevant to anyone who is or identifies as female.
Companies have been using androgenous looking people to model their clothes for years and been criticised for it.
To be fair, Bud Light are using Mulvaney as well.

So…not a beer using not a woman!!!
// This particular advert depicts someone so thin and boobless it's not relevant to anyone who is or identifies as female.//

indeed, and that's the point being argued by (amongst others) Sharron Davies and the subject of the OP, Riley Gaines. Dylan Mulvaney has not (as yet) undergone any invasive transitioning procedures.
There's a big difference between advertising clothes as a fashion statement and items of clothing that have a specific purpose like a sports bra.
Maybe we shouldn't judge groups of people by the actions of wrongdoers. For every story we read in the press there are probably 50 or more people just trying to live their chosen lifestyle without upsetting anyone. There are problems of fairness and there could be adjustments and adaptations in some areas of life to allow that. In return the trans community may have to accept they can't have everything on their wish list right now. It also should fall to them to help in policing their own community, reporting those they hear of that may pose a threat rather than protesting about action that if they looked at it objectively they should condemn outright.
I personally believe only completed reassignment surgery combined with a full psychological assessment should give the right to legal acceptance of gender change. The only exception being where pre existing medical conditions preclude this. This would be more likely to affect female to male trans people after traumatic childbirth, serious sexual assault , resulting in too much scar tissue for a successful phalloplasty.

If you’d make it law for trans people not to share toilet facilities, would this law cover planes?

And what abuse have we seen so far?

sp, it's not the toilet cubicle itself - it's the area in which public toilets are situated - the one with a sign on the outside saying 'Ladies' or 'Women' because that's who those dedicated spaces are for .... but of course you do know that.

Now here's a question. If real women aren't supposed to mind sharing toilets and changing rooms, why do trans people mind which areas they use?

Because it confirms there status as women?

Or it allows some men to exert power over women in a different way.
Does anyone remember this composer and conductor, who not only did a lot of work for BBC but also composed most of the score for Watership Down
by all means write at once to the City of San Francisco demanding that they outlaw anything you don't like; I'm sure they'll take action at once. But it's funny so many people think Gulliver shouldn't comment on Britain because he lives abroad and yet...

If fender62 starts to post about America 3 or 4 times per day, you will have a point. Until then...

Also this thread is about trans people not America.

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