But you can - - - rewrite it
Last monarch to be crowned in Latin was..... Elizabeth. She cdnt find a bishop (left over from Mary I) to consecrate / anoint her in English.
She set about deposing them quickest.
Edward we have not been told, ( VI - the sixf, and by the end he was pretty sick) extensively re wrote the coronation service in English and that is the one now used - - 1016 Edw the confessor and then revised by a King - You can imagine my lord, his grace the archibishop of Canterbury ( + Cantuar for short)
saying, "chrissakes your maj. you dont want to add - mushrooms and fungi " to the divine script of your saintly predecessor" ( do you)
yeah and Chazza saying " as you said wiv Di my first god awful wife, we havent made saints for 500 y"
and his grace, like greased lightning - a Yorkie he calls it, returns
"precisely my point, your majesty, it is a time past"
carry on Abers - lunch soon
go for it