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.It's That Man Again.

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gulliver1 | 11:50 Sat 13th May 2023 | News
39 Answers
Boris is living it up ,well away from Westminster,earning millions on the international speaking circuit and focusing on his forever growing family as he moved into his new £4m nine bedroom grade II-listed home with a moat in Oxfordshire. While the taxpaying suckers paid his £245.000 legal bill..... Now thats what I call a perfect (Con).


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hi Gully I better say hello as your thread average survival time is worse that a Tommie going over the top in the Great War
12:43 Sat 13th May 2023
Good for him, well done Boris...meanwhile you are banished overseas living in some grubby little basement
Hey gully, missed you, did you see Sir Beer's speech this morning? He's going to turn Labour into the Tories. Thought you'd love that.
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12.53 Don't think Sir keir would ever sink that low.
Someone said that about the Titanic!!
Then why did he say it? Maybe he’s desperate?

By the way, Boris is reputedly worth less than £2m. Tony Blair is worth around £60m. Go figure.
-- answer removed --
he said: //"If that sounds conservative - I don't care"// I think it's pretty clear where he's heading.
I don't think gully worries about what Sir Keir does, gully has already agreed with someone else on another thread that he should resign.
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Why would Boris want a nine bedroom house?
...Who is next on his Lower Trouser list....
Following in Bliar's footsteps
I think I've found the condition that infects gulliver:
Gully ❤️ Boris.
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I see the CDO are meeting at Bournemouth today to form "The Johnson Revivalist club" .
Priti Patel, Moggy, Dorries and Uncle tom cobley.

Who is Tom Cobley in the scheme of things? Thought it was a west country song
hi Gully
I better say hello as your thread average survival time is worse that a Tommie going over the top in the Great War
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Johnson moved into his new house just as the Church bellringers were doing their weekly practice session
....And yes guessed right first time.....
He thought it was the Local Parishioners.
......Welcoming him ........
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PP 13.43 For best answer , that made me laugh Peter.
“Boris is reputedly worth less than £2m. Tony Blair is worth around £60m. Go figure.”

Sounds about right
That doesn’t surprise me. His ego is bigger than your list of nonsense posts.
yeah I noticed the Boris resurrection club
as if the little fellow hadnt bonked enough
lied enough
and wished to get his hot pudgy hands on ( womens breasters? ) NO ! more moolah !

hey hey come 'ere - joke
Coronation right - lots of gold plate on a table ( actually Anne of Cleves grave)
Boris jumps up and shouts - oi you - bishie baby ( first name terms see)
Bish - me, ex prime minister. Bish turns back to the sacred anointing of the sovereign in God's domain with holy oil- clamor noster ad te veniat he intones. - Boris who speaks Latin knows this means " Let our prayers come to thee ( O lord) "

Booris ( punch line alert) - all that gold is mine ! I changed the law last week !

good huh?
I can never understand those that get so upset by other people's wealth. I actually believe that it reflects that they have a very unhappy life and they are very bitter. I am not at all interested in other people's financial situations.

And yes I do think Gully has become Ocd about Boris, searching for every mention of him on a daily basis. It's very unhealthy.

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