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Tony Blair

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gulliver1 | 11:07 Sun 25th Jun 2023 | News
101 Answers
Tony Blair could return to front line politics ...when Starmer wins the next election.
He could return as one of the most powerful figures in politics.And this prospect has sparked Hope of a closer link with the EU.The Tony Blair institute for global changes proposes for a new special partnership between UK and EU. Think this would upset a few abers if it happened....


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....and getting back to the original posting,Blair couldnt do much worse than the current lot.Just saying.
12:37 Sun 25th Jun 2023
i find it odd that people are willing to brand tony blair a liar (against whom nothing was proved in the hutton enquiry) but not boris (who is let's face it an enquiry made him into a proven liar).
it's just a case of who "your boy" is i suppose. Personally i'm inclined to believe that both of them were doing their best under difficult circumstances. Blair in the events surrounding the iraq war; johnson in the events surrounding Covid 19
Remind me; how did the war against Saddam go for British forces?
Another casualty of Bliar.

//Kelly’s body was found on 18 July 2003, a day after he had gone for a walk near his home. He had been exposed as the source of the report alleging that the government’s dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, presented as central to the case for war, had been “sexed up”. The Hutton inquiry found he had killed himself, though there has been no inquest into his death.//

For 'sexed up' I believe they meant to say a termalogical inexactitude
for darn right lying and inventiveness in order to con the gullible it was a just cause for Britain to take on.
Ah, a politician then.
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12.47 You can also tell that to the children and families of the Bodybags that Boris let pile high, during Covid while your Hero and his friends Partied on behind closed doors of Downing St
well here's anothe quote from WIKI retro:
Despite this evidence, Hutton's report largely cleared the government of any wrongdoing. In large measure this was because Hutton judged that the government had NOT KNOWN of the reservations in the intelligence community: it seemed they had been discounted by senior intelligence assessors (the Joint Intelligence Committee) — thus Gilligan's claim that the government "probably knew" the intelligence was flawed, was itself unfounded. Furthermore, the Inquiry heard that these were not the words used by Gilligan's source, but Gilligan's own inference. However, the judgement that No. 10 was not aware of the reservations of the intelligence community was not supported by other evidence contained in the report, such as the transcript of an interview given by David Kelly to BBC journalist Susan Watts.
one fundamental difference old chap, one was deliberate (Blair) Boris didn't know what he was dealing with re: Covid
People do pick and chose what enquiry/reports to believe, which is my point entirely. (some) people chose to not believe the report into borises lies, but chose to believe chilcot because ti suits their political leanings. And the other way round
that was to 12.47

seems customary to address people by the time now and not their name :0)))
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12.47 And while you're there. Go tell it to the family of the late Queen who sat alone grieving for her husband because of Boris's Covid restrictions. Whilst your Little Tin God partied on until the small hours that day. OK.
it will be very interesting to see what the report into covid 19 shows (and then who believes it and who cries foul) but as it's not out yet, no-one knows. Maybe the govt WILL be shown to have bungled it, or maybe not. One thig we do already know is tht the govt made some lives miserable with the rules, didnt follow them themselves then lied about doing that.
Like i say, i believve both blair and johnson did the bet they could with the circumstances they had
stop feeding the troll peeps.
//People do pick and chose what enquiry/reports to believe, which is my point entirely. (some) people chose to not believe the report into borises lies, but chose to believe chilcot because ti suits their political leanings. And the other way round//

Well this post is entitled Tony Blair. He is what the debate is about. It is not about Boris or the ongoing Covid enquiry or Sir Winston Spencer Churchill's planning of the Gallipoli campaign. They are an irrelevance to this post. I'm sure the Covid enquiry and Boris will be discussed when it is concluded if you can live that long. :-)
Sounds to me as if one or two on here,during the thirties would just have appeased that nice mr Schicklegruber.
I really can NOT see a comparison Miff
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13.13 TTT. Isn't it, your hacking time about now?
Bobbi,a lot of misguided souls tried to appease Hitler in the thirties,a lot of people tried to appease the Islamist terrorists in the 1990s,a lot of people tried to appease Putin.Those who(tried)to appease these murderous fascists have as much blame as these fascists.
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Tony Blair was the youngest Pm ever, and now he could become "The Comeback Kid"
It's an interesting topic for debate as to whether WW2 / the Holocaust would still have happened if the Allies had taken Hitler out in 1933. Ben Elton wrote an excellent "alternative history" novel about it.

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