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Tony Blair

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gulliver1 | 11:07 Sun 25th Jun 2023 | News
101 Answers
Tony Blair could return to front line politics ...when Starmer wins the next election.
He could return as one of the most powerful figures in politics.And this prospect has sparked Hope of a closer link with the EU.The Tony Blair institute for global changes proposes for a new special partnership between UK and EU. Think this would upset a few abers if it happened....


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....and getting back to the original posting,Blair couldnt do much worse than the current lot.Just saying.
12:37 Sun 25th Jun 2023
....and getting back to the original posting,Blair couldnt do much worse than the current lot.Just saying.
LOL. Oh I do hope it's a genuine posibility and the public become aware of it. Until the Labour party drop all the anti-culture guano, and stop trying to monitor & control the citizens, and get back to concentrating of sensible governance and making a fairer society instead, then best stick with the inept current incumbents, and hope the patriots regain the upper hand in the party before too long.
Thanks for the BA,gulliver.There are no proper politicians(neither in England or Scotland)anymore,just a bland bunch of thieving,swindling,partying,boozing miscreants.Lions led by donkeys?No,lions led by monkeys.
Is there actually any evidence to suggest this is a possibility.
Because if there isn’t it’s a pointless discussion
//...he is considering a "De Gaulle style" comeback. French president style ,where he was re-elected after 13 years out of politics//

The only difficulty he might find is that, as far as i know, the UK does not have a vacancy for a "President style" politician.
Mais non, we’ve already got one, you see.
i admire many of tony blair's early achievements but the iraq war is the most evil and destructive thing in which a uk government has involved itself this century... he played a very significant role in enabling george bush to bypass congress

labour has worked quite hard to divest itself of his influence over the last 13 years
I concur.
‘ labour has worked quite hard to divest itself of his influence over the last 13 years’

By being anti-Semites with policies verging on Marxism. Way-to-go Labour. Whooohoo.
not sure how Tony Blair could return to a powerful position in UK politics, without other things happening.

He couldn't be president as our current head of state is a hereditary monarch. Labour would have to campaign on a republican ticket and there's no suggestion that would be universally popular even if Labour were to propose it.

The Labour Party already has a leader so he couldn't be PM - although Labour do have history of replacing a popular leader with someone else immediately after winning an election.
9/11 happened on America's doorstep. It was there personal atrocity to deal with.
The Falklands war was our problem and America was conspicuous by its absence so we did it alone and regained Sovereignty. We lost 255 men and women in the services with few civilian casualties but it was justified. I believe the first Gulf Was was a question of righting a wrong that Iraq visited upon the Kuwaitis by invading their kingdom. We kicked them out, liberated Kuwait and ran the Iraqi National Guard back to the gates of Baghdad where we were supposed to leave it at that. Bush jnr had other plans and Blair fell into step purely for his own vainglory.
retrocop @13:00
\\//Kelly’s body was found on 18 July 2003, a day after he had gone for a walk near his home. He had been exposed as the source of the report alleging that the government’s dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, presented as central to the case for war, had been “sexed up”. The Hutton inquiry found he had killed himself, though there has been no inquest into his death.//

Strange why the files into his death are sealed for 70 years
Perhaps we can ask him and Alastair Campbell where the WMD are and why the files into the death of Dr David Kelly are sealed for 70 years.
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Webbo @ 16.27 WMD.. .."Weapon of Mass Destruction"...
Came to the UK, very many years later...It is now known as the..BDM.
The Boris Destruction Missile. .......But this time it worked.
^^^^ how old are you!!
He probably doesn’t know!
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16.56 "How old are you" Many many years younger than you Bobbisox and enjoying every day of it.
Yes and you can tell you are by your Hotspur,Dandy,Beano! Topper answers Gulliver
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17,11 Bobbisox... Is that Boris's Party Gate you are sitting on in your new avatar....???....ha ha.
You can tell hes "old" by his immature childlike replies and general way he writes on here....hes trying to appear as young...hes a liar through and through, hes been caught out on here previously...

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