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Interest Rates To Rise Again.

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gulliver1 | 08:44 Thu 03rd Aug 2023 | News
116 Answers
This Govt will hike up interest rates again this week for the 14th consecutive time.
The Tories are saying ,"To get inflation under control we have to make the public ...Poor..They have to have less money or it will not work...........But it won't affect MPs of course.


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It’s interesting how many ABers don’t seem to understand how this interest rate rising, effects the economy. I first came across this while still living at home with my parents (in a mortgage free house). A colleague (who had recently bought a flat) was complaining bitterly that the government was severely limiting his spending money (to control...
11:42 Thu 03rd Aug 2023
@ the OP

Who sets the rate of interest "Bank Rate" in the UK ?
"It’s interesting how many ABers don’t seem to understand how this interest rate rising, effects the economy.'

Id say most on here have a better grasp of national and other finance matters than you can dream have no clue about anything except posting useless YT videos that suit your twisted and warped view of things...mind you thats a good step up from your little friends capabilities..
Interest rates have been depeessingly low for ages, so having the rate climb is a good thing overall. However for many I fear it is going too fast, and will create problems for those who inadvisabley overstretched their finances when money was dirt cheap, and won't be able to adjust as it becomes less cheap.
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14.19... "30 replies" Did they teach you how to count at school ?

hahaha, another immature schoolboy retort
best you go back to school and learn how to post links, like most five year ( and maybe even younger) olds can
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So now we know how to get inflation figures down .Just make the poor poorer.
well make everyone poorer
even for the rich it means fewer glasses of shampers
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Bank of England warns interest rates will keep rising for the next two years at least .Maybe even longer. That's good news in one way ...It should get rid of the Cons at the next GE.
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pp 14,48 Dont think it will affect the likes of Boris or Richi though Peter ?
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All good news for savers though.
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Those saver who are happy to lock their money away for year.
Can now receive 6.05 % on their savings.
bazwillrun, I hope you are not waiting for an answer off gulliver for your post at 14.59. He is more likely to leave his own thread and start a new one rather than answer a question. He complains about mods closing threads if they don't like answers but does similar himself by just leaving threads if he doesn't like what he has been asked, like being asked a sensible question.
If the price of food in the UK suffers an additional increase in inflation of 6% entirely due to Brexit (which it has), no increase (no matter how large) in the BoE’s base rate will change that.
Clearly not due to Brexit. If governments wish to cause barriers to international trade, or if managers of companies proved incapable of managing when changes occurred, that isn't to do with the regaining of national sovereignty. It's all to do with malice & incompetence by those with the power to do better.
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100% of the damage caused to the economy of Broken Britain was caused because of Brexit.. no doubt about it whatsoever.
@ theshedman

i wasnt holding my breath, i knew he wouldnt answer, he never answers, just like he never posts links...just shows him up for what he is..
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This BOE Governor .Andrew Bailey .
Who of course has nothing at all to do with the Con Party.
....(Perish the thought.)..... Has increased rates knowing that the last interest rate rise has not yet been felt . Absolute Lunacy

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Interest Rates To Rise Again.

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