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Interest Rates To Rise Again.

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gulliver1 | 08:44 Thu 03rd Aug 2023 | News
116 Answers
This Govt will hike up interest rates again this week for the 14th consecutive time.
The Tories are saying ,"To get inflation under control we have to make the public ...Poor..They have to have less money or it will not work...........But it won't affect MPs of course.


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It’s interesting how many ABers don’t seem to understand how this interest rate rising, effects the economy. I first came across this while still living at home with my parents (in a mortgage free house). A colleague (who had recently bought a flat) was complaining bitterly that the government was severely limiting his spending money (to control...
11:42 Thu 03rd Aug 2023
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The mad hacker has joined my thread ...welcome.
Its been reported that gulliver does the work of 2 men...Laurel and Hardy
^But they were funny.
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It's been reported that Ryzen does the work of 2 people.
"The Krankies" he plays both parts
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Webbo 18,12,,,So were the Krankies.
Its surprising how Gulliver & co can weave Brexit into all of his posts.
Perhaps he doesn't understand that if Brexit isn't working it is no fault of the present Government. Since we voted to leave the EU, they (the EU), and in particular the French and Germans, have done everything in their power to thwart the UK Government carrying out the wishes of 52% of the UK. The EU have been able supported by those who are opposed to EU, particularly the opposition parties.
Fandabbydozy...keep the traffic flowing gulliver :-) your breath mate.
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Gramps 18,19. But far more than 52% that voted leave.
Now want to rejoin the EU. They realise they made a big big mistake by listening and being radicalised by haystack head .
Gulliver 18.19.You still don't, or want to, understand the facts do you?
Brexit would have been a success if the EU hadn't decided that they still wanted to interfere in the way that this country wanted to run it's affairs. Its not this Government that has failed Brexit, but the EU itself, and as I said, mainly the French (who have never liked us) and the Germans.
"You still don't, or want to, understand the facts do you?"

hes unable to...its beyond him
//Avatar Image gulliver1Question Author14.19... "30 replies" Did they teach you how to count at school ?//gulliver its you not me thats the gift that keeps giving.
Once again your comprehension skills are lacking.... 30+ is not the same as 30 .
Anyway I'll leave you to troll TTT now on your Jags thread and keep calling him the Mad Hacker
we have had a long morning on Edigors blog squawking about insults and how repeatedly insulting someone ( or as I wd say. " telling the unvarnished truth") was harassment
or akin to harassment

and see above poor old Gullz gets slaughtered ( by some not very funny insults. I cd do much better) by Rysen and the mods (whereever they are) dont give a toss. ( again).

oh, Gullz mad lady on R4 who said this wdnt afffect MPs or the nobs this morning
was referring to the fact a lot of the middle class ( non first timers) had fixed rate mortgages, and so wd only be affected in years.

Rysen please try not to rip Gullziz face off
I wd be obliged
usual suspects, I think I will have to call this lot - " The bile boys" - "chilli children" ( hmm a bit subtle for AB).

you said they were going to go up ( the rates that is!) and they did. No wonder they hate you
PP do you think its okay then for gulliver to call people thick and regularley refer to Tora Tora as the Mad Hacker who hacked his account...
"Tora Tora as the Mad Hacker who hacked his account...'

when i first became aware of that accusation i then fully realised what we are dealing with here...still not sure if i should be laughing or crying at that....
think your not reading posts right here.... they wasnt saying gulliver was wrong interest rates wont go up... they were just pointing flaws like saying Cons set the rate when its BOE, and it is design'd to make poor poorer when the poorest dont have mortgages anyway, its more the middle classes, etc.
yeah I do actually - think it is OK
the world wont stop on its axis, when he does

TTT ( ah bless him!) called me TOVI for weeks and I didnt mind. Aided I think by not knowing what it meant. The Old Village idiot - mensans of the highest IQ do this sort of thing apparently. I cant worry about all this: I have a bag of crisps to eat
No - ( I dont want to spend to much time on this - it is akin to discussing whether calling someone a gormless idiot is stalking or not. I say 'no it isnt') - it was 1. the BoE and not the govt raising the rates. and 2. one section was protected ( from the effects of a rise) by being on fixed rates, and the starters on SVR were taking the brunt.

but you know, I am not going to immolate myself if I am wrong

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