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Yet Another Senseless Knife Crime

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Ken4155 | 11:49 Wed 27th Sep 2023 | News
36 Answers


My heart bleeds for the girl and her parents.




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Retrocop - on the whole, I agree with you.  We were more frightened of our parents' reaction should they be told about the slightest misdemeanour by the school - or Gods forbid, the police.

That "fear" has to my mind certainly been hamstrung by what - on occasion - feels like a relentless march by authorities not to upset anyone. 

It's an impossible task, I know, but the availabilty of edged weapons needs to be looked at somehow, along with the mandatory checking of bags by parents & by staff (not necessarily teachers) at school gates.

I have no real, feasible answers (those I think of would upset too many folk) & can only hope for a return of common sense amongst our youngsters. 

Fat chance. 😞

In our young days, (to the tune of Glory Glory Hallelujah) we sang :-


Glory glory hallelujah, Teacher hit me with the ruler, Then Father hit me with his walking stick, but I ain't gonna cry no more.

Nowadays, Father more likely to chastise the Teacher - such is progress.

feral kids teens with no fear of authority, let alone respect for anyone, errant parent probably, where is the dad or dads. i think it's just going to get worse, almost a total breakdown of law and order in cities a cork against the tide, i think the death penalty would make a slight dent if done en-mass to murderers already banged up, with a daily bulletin on executions and enforced deportations, sounds harsh, but got a better answer errr build more prisons mmm erm more money.

Hate to be pedantic, but it wasnt any old knife it was a machete...

The snippets of info that are inevitably leaking out appear to be that the victim turned down an offer of flowers, or similar, from a male from a different school. The parents of the victim are both black and the school attended by the victim is a private school with fees of about £20k a year.  What are we becoming in the UK? Poor child. 

I'm not convinced that strong penalties are actually a deterrent.

Who goes to school with a foot long knife,, and why ?

Togo, the reports in today's papers seem to say that the victim wasn't the person, the former girlfriend, wo'd refused the flowers. She was, apparently, a friend of the girlfriend and intervened when the argument got heated.

I've seen many a post on here slating parents off for running their kids to school and back in their cars / Chelsea tractors. You don't think that this could be the main reason do you. But I dare say someone will say it could have happened in school.

^^^ a very good point .

Thks anne.

When I was at school decades ago a boy stabbed himself when he fell down the stairs with a knife in his pocket.

I agree with tough sentencing for carrying a weapon, even for first time offenders.

All of my family, including the grandchildren, feel safe out and about, thankfully 

Yep, first offender, hit them real hard, so the message hits home to the rest of the idiots who carry them, getting caught carrying for the first time, can lead to a first time murder.

Feral children roaming the streets. 
1) stop and search.

2) body and belongings search before going into public buildings.

norman brennan and ken hines debate, listen to mr brennans reply..

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