The K M Links Game - March 2025 Week 2
Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
AH: "I cannot believe that anyone seriously thinks that anyone is in any way responsible for calling down hostility on themselves." - well that's about as idiotic a statement as I have heard this year. You were having a go at Katie Hopkins the other day, no doubt brought on by things she has said or done.
//Tomus, I simply don't believe you don't understand why it happens//
Of course I understand why it happens. It's because there are potentially violent pathetic criminal saddoes out there walking among us to coin a phrase.
I don't think their thoughts or actions deserve any kind of mitigation along the lines of 'Well she is horrible and vile, so it is to be expected'.
TTT // No one deserves that but I can understand why it is hapenning. That's a valid position, ok? //
It is, but that's not what you said.
You said // ... I think she must take some responsibility. //
And that's not the same as understanding why something happens.
I understand why rape happens, but i don;t think that any victim must 'take some responsibility'.
The two views are not the same - in one, it is the recipieint's fault that they are receiving hostility, in the other, you confirm an understanding of why it happens.
If you meant the second, you should confirm that, and withdraw your opening statement.
Naomi - // In fairness TTT did say no one deserves it but we can't deny that aggression often invites aggression - and she's done her share. //
I refer you to my previous response.
Knowing why something happens is absolutely not the same as saying it is deserved.
I know why the Holocaust happened, I don't think any of the victims deserved what happened as a reulst.
TTT - // I think she is an awful vile woman but I don't think she or indeed anyone in public life deserves to be attacked by the morons that life among us. Why is that position so difficult to comprehend? //
It's not - but that's not what you opened up with - you have changed your view to something acceptable, because you were challenged for your first post.
Maybe you need to re-read what you are posting before you hit the button.