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Half Listening To The Wireless The Other Day...

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sandyRoe | 06:50 Sun 16th Jun 2024 | News
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...I heard someone promise if their party won the election there would be many thousands more dental appointments available.

Where are all these dentists to be found?




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At least Labour have a Dentistry Rescue Plan.For the last 14 years NHS Dentistry has been allowed to rot. There are 700 less dentists doing NHS work this year, than last year. There are six million adults not having access to an NHS dentist. That is a scandalous record, and yet another reason to boot out the party currently failing the country.
08:26 Sun 16th Jun 2024

Starmer's answer - we've just got to get on withe job. He doesn't say how.

With many new dentists being immigrants perhaps more will come from the Middle East & Africa?

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As long as they're prepared to take on NHS patients I don't care where they come from.

I had a broken tooth extracted - my (NHS) dentist said "If I do it on the NHS it's £56 but if I do it private it's £52". I went private.

(those figures from memory but you get the gist)

When the supervised school toothbrushing sessions are in place the need for dentists may fall.

I don't see an easy way of ensuring so many more appointments. Hasn't there been a similar one about a right to see a GP in 7 days- I can't see how that can be made to work, unless you change Gp contracts and maybe ban all same day or next day urgent appointments and make everyone wait 7 days

sandyRoe. I also heard way back in 2019 someone promise if their party won the election They would build and fund 40 new hospitals and recruit 50,000 more nurses 6,000 more doctors and reduce the NHS waiting list ..Non of these promises have been carried out .And where is this person that made those promises now ???? over the hills and far away in the sunny uplands with his pockets full of money.

It’s been a long time since I heard someone refer to the radio as the wireless; maybe it will come back into parlance, where the device (radio) is connected to the internet or Bluetooth, wirelessly.

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I think we must accept that politician's promises are like piecrust, made to be broken.

Hymie - I think the word Wireless was replaced by Radio when valves replaced the Cat's Whisker method of tuning, probably to define the difference when both types of set were available.  Sets are no more wireless now than they were before wi-fi and internet became available.

The last I heard, the Tories were still promising 40 new hospitals by 2030 – the definition of a new hospital being that if an old hospital has had some building painting done, then that counts as a new hospital.

sandyRoe.  I think the only promise the MPs manage to fulfill is the one they make to themelves .To look after themselves and fill their pockets full of as much Tax payers cash as they  can before they are found out, and stuff joe public.This seems to have been the trend over the last fourteen years.

My mother used to refer to the radio as a wireless up until her death in 2014, even when they used transistors.  I’m not sure when the term radio superseded wireless (as used by the general public), but I suspect it was as late as sometime in the 1960s.

At least Labour have a Dentistry Rescue Plan.

For the last 14 years NHS Dentistry has been allowed to rot. There are 700 less dentists doing NHS work this year, than last year. There are six million adults not having access to an NHS dentist. That is a scandalous record, and yet another reason to boot out the party currently failing the country.

Gromit 09.26. Spot on.

yes my dentist often listens to the wireless whilst he drills my teeth. What is this thread about?

I call my mobie - a telephone. oh, wireless in French is telegraphie sans fils - TSF - er thought you should know

Crystal sets, the form of early radio recievers, had a coil of wire as one of their few parts. They were used about 100 years ago. When radios got more sophisticated they used valves instead, and those were the first 'wireless radios'. The valves were superseded by transistors and then solidstate circuit boards.

There could be thousands more appointments available right now. I believe that none have been booked for 2045 AD yet.

I had a crystal set as a kid and I can assure you that the King hasn't sent me a telegram yet.


They were still selling Crystal Sets into the 1970s so you could have had one as a child.

1910s-1930s was the era of Crystal sets.  
1930s-1950s was the era of valve radios   
1950s-1960s was the era of transistor radios.  
1960s onwards we have integated circuit boards which evolved into micro chips, for our radio equipment.

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In Eire they send you €1000 as well as the telegram.

Labour have a Dentistry Rescue Plan??? Haha. If it is the same "plan" they are using here in Wales then you are in for a surprise. The dental service here is worse that the GP and Hospital "service". I have had a private dental plan for 30 years now because there is no NHS sevice at all. Emergencies of the most urgent order treatment for immigrants is all that is undertaken. As to the question where have all the dentists gone   ...  I think they are all in Liverpool. Have you seen the scouse teeth phenomenom? They have all got gleaming veneer gnashers. I blame Luis Suárez.     

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