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I've already said that would be counterproductive and explained why.

Barmaid - // If that makes me a trobiscite in your view, that says more about you than me! //

It doesn't make you a 'trobicite' - the term is meaningless.

It's made up by TTT as part of his ongoing annoyance of inventing his own language for his own purposes and then inflicting it on here.

22:11 //I don't think it matters//

Then this entire thread is you trolling, which I believe is against the Site Rules.

Question Author

22:14 what argument? I have not offered an argument. I'm just putting forward a news item for discussion.

Question Author

22:17 nope I'm discussing a topical news item. That is the purpose of this section.

TTT - // 22:17 nope I'm discussing a topical news item. That is the purpose of this section. //

Gleefully provoking a reaction and insulting in advance people who you imagine will be angry at your non-story, is not 'discussing' anything.

You forget TTT, many of us have been here a long time, longer than you, and are more than wise to your rather childish attention-seeking behaviour.

At least be honest enough to admit what you are doing, and try not to kid regulars old enough and experienced enough to know better.

You're not. You're using a nothing story as an excuse to taunt those who disagree with you politically. It's rather pathetic and is further proof that you and Gulliver are two sides of the same coin.

I'm reminded of the Trobriand Islands with ttt's neologism.

Cowrie shells used as currency and rampant sexual promiscuity.

I think there was a lady sociologist who made her name with books on the people there.

Meade or something similar, was her name.

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22:23 great let me know when gulliver posts a link or debates an issue or answers a follow up or engages in any kind of discussion. You would not get anything like this thread out of him.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for TTT to disclose his ancestors to at least 5 generations so we can all judge whether he can take the stances he does based on his gggg grandfather's views who was born in 1784.

///You would not get anything like this thread out of him.///

I am not sure that is quite the burn you believe it to be.

TTT - // You would not get anything like this thread out of him. //

You say that like it's a bad thing!!!



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Great let me know when gulliver posts a link or debates an issue or answers a follow up or engages in any kind of discussion.

Are you offering yourself as a superior attention-seeker over Gulliver?

That's like boasting about being the most obnoxious pub bore!!

Question Author

no I'm just saying I am not like gulliver, I answer follow ups, I post links I discuss, like this, see?

Let's not detract from the thread and make it about Gulliver (who has only posted once here).  Let's crack on and see how Kamala Harris potentially having a slave owner ancestor might upset the trobiscites.  

TTT , Your idea of 'discussion' is to open with an assumption that anyone a millimetre to the left of Atilla The Hun I'd a congenital idiot who you can patronise and insult for your own perverse reasons. 

That's not discussion,  and I can remember a time when you understood the difference. 

I just googled the word "trobiscite".  Apparently, it does not exist as a word in the OED.  Or, in fact, in general parlance.  There were 5 hits, 3 of which were from AB.  

So it seems that not only has TTT sought to be very mischevious with his post, he is also now making up words!!!  I suspect his ancestor was Samuel Johnson.

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AH: "TTT , Your idea of 'discussion' is to open with an assumption that anyone a millimetre to the left of Atilla The Hun I'd a congenital idiot who you can patronise and insult for your own perverse reasons. " - I have not done that, I merely engaged with the purpose of this site and introduced a topical news item for discussion. All the peace muesli spitting is comming from those who don't like the subject being mentioned. Show me where I have insulted, patronised etc.

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Kamala Harris Descended From A Slave Owner....oh Dear!

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