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23:01 yes Trobiscite is my own invention, it works very well as demonstrated right here. It's ok to insult Trump everyday with a 100 variations of insults but when an actual story in news media is uncovered that may be potentially damaging to the darling of the Trobiscite hordes it generates a hissy fit like a pacific Typhoon!

Tora, you are like Gully because you post stuff not for debating reasons, but so you can bait people on the opposite side of the political thread. The fact you post a thread isn't the massive difference you think it is. And this thread has had no debate, just you extracting the urine.

TTT - // Show me where I have insulted or patronised ... //

You can start with your OP!!

Question Author

"And this thread has had no debate, just you extracting the urine." - I answered follow ups, I posted a link, I engaged in discussion.

Why not knock off inflicting your own language on the site, and learn the one we all use.

You can start by checking out what the word 'discussion' means, and follow that with 'debate', since you clearly don't understand the meaning of either.

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now who's spouting patronising BS? I have been debating, discussing etc and generally responding. What else would you like to see?

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Right Im off to bed, carry on frothing I'll deal with your outpourings in the morning.

You knowing what those words mean, and acting as though you do 

No, TTT.  I do not speak from a "peace muesli" point of view.  I have no interest whatsoever in American politics - I have no view on Trump or Harris.  I do, however, have an interest in a) the genealogical standard of proof and b) the fact that it matters not what an ancestor did or said or believed.  That does not make me a trobiscite or some other form of name that you would ascribe.  Had you posted that Trump had such ancestry, my response would have been exactly the same.

My interest is not in either political side and it is unfortunate that you are so insistent on getting your point across, you fail to acknowledge that there are valid points of view that do not involve a political stance, just because they do not accord with your own.  It is a little disappointing.


I wouldn't waste an atom of my 'froth' on this pointless nonsense. 

Sorry to disappoint you.

You are still imagining a reaction you have creates, that patently does not exist. 

You have wound up no-one, except yourself, worn out going round in circles.

Don't bother in the morning, I'm busy putting the things in my fridge in alphabetical order, a far better use of my valuable time.

From your link, 

'Meanwhile, the Ballymoney Chronicle carried a follow-up piece practically debunking the original claim of lineage. A qualified genealogist told the paper that the links were "unproven", and said Hamilton Brown was not recorded as getting married or having children.'

Oh dear!

Can't imagine anyone being the least bit bothered by this 'revelation', factual or not.

It matters not a jot

Right-wing and pro-Trump memes have circulated since 2019, painting the Harris family as "descended from slave owners", without any context. These tropes deliberately ignore the ugly explanation that slave owners commonly raped their female slaves, explaining why many black Jamaicans have European genes.

is this a record - 93 replies in 8 hours?

And virtually none actually discussing the news item in the OP.

No surprise though, if its a darling of the left then it is more usual on here to denegrate the Poster rather than address the (awkward for some) topic.


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a lot of frothing from the non frothers I see! PMSL!

As advised - see an optician.

Or look up the word 'froth'.

YMB - Criticism of TTT is based on his 'debating style', not the subject he has raised - that's already been discussed and dismissed for the pointless teasing it was.

No it wasnt, you all just piled in, you included.

I came here fresh to the OP and read through it, it is just about bashing TTT because you dont like his style.  Fine if that the way you feel but dont deny it when pointed out.

//It must be a bit embarrasing for her. I mean she starts every speech reminding us that she is a "woman of colour" and I'm pretty sure she has done a lot of gobbing off about the slave trade. It turns out that she is part of a slaving dynasty.//


Well, she is a woman of colour - and like the rest of us she didn't choose her ancestors.   I don't really see the point you're making, TTT. Do you think that in light of this, she shouldn't condemn the slave trade?

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Kamala Harris Descended From A Slave Owner....oh Dear!

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