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The Bradford Fire Which Claimed Four Lives.

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sandyRoe | 21:05 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

Arson, apparently.  Does anyone know the background to this?



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Moderator's note:  The discussion of matters on a public forum (such as AB), which are currently the subject of criminal charges, might well constitute a criminal offence under the sub judice rules.  However the simple facts, as they're known at the moment, are summarised here:

It seems an odd one, with at least 6 people involved or believed to have been involved.

Including two charged with murder and attempted murder: 

"Mohammed Shabir, 44, of Alice Street, and Calum Sunderland, 25, of Calton Street, have both been charged with four counts of murder and one of attempted murder. The two men have been remanded in custody to appear at Bradford Magistrates Court tomorrow (August 28)."


West Yorkshire Police say four other people remain under investigation in connection with the incident.

A 39-year-old man arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder remains in hospital in a critical condition.

A man aged 36, arrested last Friday on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, has been interviewed and released on conditional bail.

And a 54-year-old woman and a 42-year-old man, arrested yesterday on suspicion of assisting an offender, have also been interviewed and released on bail.

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TTT Moh'd Shabir is only one of the accused.  Conclusion-jumping should be avoided.

you did that me old china.


you jumped to the conclusion that I had jumped to the conclusion.

TTT yoU did say 'I'll go to the foot of our stairs' - which generally means that you expected the outcome. Not worth splitting hairs about.

-- answer removed --

TTT - I was born, lived and taught in and around Bradford.  I understand about radical Islam.  I lived in and saw the effects.  I have been called 'white ***'.  More than most, I fear for an Islamic take-over through outbreeding and I understand their planning - which is working.

In this case, though, there is cause for doubt.

TORATORATORA, I have deleted your earliest post, another Mod has deleted a further post and I suspect that was done for the same reason as my deletion.

As per the earlier warning the matter is sub judice and comments are restricted.

I found this advice, "Common law contempt of court: Intention is necessary to commit common law contempt. The material must have been published with the design to prejudice criminal proceedings that are pending or imminent, a definition which introduces a fine line between pressing for prosecution, which is acceptable, and influencing public perception of an individual who is about to be prosecuted, which is forbidden."

It is my opinion your now deleted posts fell within "influencing public perception of an individual who is about to be prosecuted" 

and therefore not allowed.

I advise you to think very carefully about future posts about this case and any repeat will lead to a suspension.



another thread butchered by raving-mod/TCL nice!

good that raving mod is no longer keeping up the pretence,

Two Mods were involved and I'm not concerned what your opinion is as long as there are no potentially unlawful comments posted.

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