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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
117 Answers

If another Referendum was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed says the latest poll. A clear majority of all voters say they would opt to rejoin the EU.Overwhelming support to rejoin came from Gen Z.



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//// And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.////My word,the intellectual power required to form that constructive comment beggars belief.
00:16 Mon 16th Sep 2024

Links are so simple yet so hard to do

He does it to wind people up.

He's sucking us all in again (although that makes him a sucker, just like he often says all those who voted Brexit were). If only I and everyone else could resist posting this nonsense would probably go away.... or at least he could just talk to himself.

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Regardless of wanting another referendum or not. People overwhelmingly believe Britain has deteriorated as  a direct result of Brexit.Right across the board.

Even if true, which I sincerely doubt as that generation couldn't possibly be that much dumber than previous ones, no matter how bad the parenting and schooling has been, 60% of the portion of 18 to 27 year olds who finally decide to vote, is going to be a relatively small number.

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Even the Brexiteers themselves who voted Brexit  to curb immigration say it was waste of time.Because it is higher now  than what it was before Brexit .

gullivers statement at 11:39 is lifted directly from the newspaper independent report.

"Regardless of whether people want another referendum, they overwhelmingly believe things in Britain have deteriorated as a direct consequence of Brexit – right across the board."

So he can link when it suits.

11:00 do you have any sort of supporting docs for this claim?

Looking through that Independent article two things stand out.


i) some citizens can't distinguish between causes and apparently are lazy enough just to blame Brexit when clearly global issues are main causes of much of the things moaned about: well global issues and the ill will shown by the very group some wish to rejoin, which shows how easily manipulated they are.


And ii) blatant lies by the article writer as witnessed by their repeat of the battle bus & Boris nonsense.


I think we can take that article with a pinch of salt.

Funny how Sir Kneel said he's not contemplating reversing brexit nor another referendum. Maybe Gulliver has secret internal party knowledge.

The bus scam was and is real enough.

Even the Brexiteers themselves who voted Brexit  to curb immigration say it was waste of time.Because it is higher now  than what it was before Brexit 

That is absolutely nothing to do with Brexit - it is an abject failure by the politicians to deal with the issue proactively instead of just tinkering around the edges.

vulcan 11:49 that's not gulliver.

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Apart from all the Cronyism and trousering of tax payers cash Brexit is the main reason why  the Tories are now sitting on the opposition benches and Not the Govt benches in the commons.😏

All that indicates is that you have no idea.

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Douglas 11.55 "The bus scam was real enough" Yes the brexiteers were really sucked in with that one.                     He really reeled them in there.

I reaffirm:


All that indicates is that you have no idea.

Bless you.

You cling onto the belief that Brexiteers were fooled by the bus like some sort of comfort-blanket.

I have never spoken to anyone who believes that the slogan suggested we would be spending £350m on the NHS instead of sending it to Europe.

It is the Remainers who are adamant that those who voted to leave believed that.....and you project your delusion onto the Brexiteers.

//He really reeled them in there.//


There's only one person around here reeling them in.

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