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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
117 Answers

If another Referendum was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed says the latest poll. A clear majority of all voters say they would opt to rejoin the EU.Overwhelming support to rejoin came from Gen Z.



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//// And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.////My word,the intellectual power required to form that constructive comment beggars belief.
00:16 Mon 16th Sep 2024

 Vulcan...that  link'from gulliver wasn't a link or even a copy& paste. As always it has been retyped (badly- as the errors in spacings an punctuation show). It's funny really thinking how much effort must go onto retyping chunks of text.

Gulliver. There is not going to be another referendum while Starmer said so.  And we all know that he is a man who keeps his word, except when he lies.

JTH: "I have never spoken to anyone who believes that the slogan suggested we would be spending £350m on the NHS instead of sending it to Europe." - it was a statement followed by a suggestion, literacy did trouble the remoaners. Ironically though for the last few years we have actually been spending at least that amount more on the NHS.

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Methinks its too little too late gulliver.My company spent hundreds of thousands setting up a base in Spain.Our loyal customers there and in France and Portugal stayed with us.Maybe its me,but i get the feeling quite a few countries in the EU are slightly jealous of us now.

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Gramps 12.42 The number People who want the UK to rejoin are there, so if Starmer thinks things are going badly  for Labour as they get around to the next GE .There is his vote winner to get a further 5 years in power.Promise a referendum to get re-elected .Unlike Thatcher who  had to start  a war to get re/elected.

There is no doubt in my mind that Brexit was a mistake. The referendum was too marginal to move ahead. However the result could have been used (i.e. the threat of our departure) to drive some sensible changes through the EU as was shown by some other members' reactions at the time. But Cameron's stupid personal pride, backed up by Johnson's shallow jingoism, overrode common sense. The World needs a solid European bloc to combat the voracious trading activities of USA, Russia, and China.

Sadly, rejoining probably isn't the answer owing to the inevitable hostility generated by our departure which would be very likely to give rise to punitive conditions (mind you, the negotiations could be fun).


And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.


\\Unlike Thatcher who  had to start  a war to get re/elected.//

What war was that then?

Yes,i thought it was General Galtieri who started that war.Back to you gully?

Nations are perfectly capable of agreeing a common front without the idiocy of becoming a mere region ruled over by an unwanted unelected foreign elite. The EU is an abomination.

Labour have ruled out rejoining during the life of this parliament.  Post again in 2029.

gulliver..thought for the day

When you die, you dont know you're dead and those around you feel the pain  (mmmm?).    The same applies if you're stupid :-)

Labour also ruled out abolishing the WFA.Hows that going gromit?

Was that a Ricky Gervase or Billy Connolly thought for the day? I can't remember.




WFA? You got me, what's that ?

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Think the very thought of rejoining the Eu  is putting shivers down  the spine on some posters on here.But it will happen.

WFA = Winter Fuel Allowance.

Thanks Tora. So completely off topic 😀

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