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Glasgow Solves Financial Problems

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douglas9401 | 09:10 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

And celebrates by putting on a games day that a country who could actually afford to but had more sense and prudence.

When asked to step outside into the daylight and view the midden they've created for citizens with poor services and infrastructure, leaders mumbled platitudes about bringing nations together, iconic something and world class something else.

What the actual is WRONG with these clowns?




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If it is anything like the SNPs Ferguson Shipyards ferries fiasco,then we can expect the games to start about the year 2525 and a thousand trillion pounds over budget.

Think about all  the legacy .

You the public in Glasgow  will have a  50 metre  Olympic class  swimming pool to use afterwards .

Erm , I'll return later with another one - give me time to think 

There's already an Olympic-sized swimming pool in Glasgow.

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I think 'didn't' has dropped off the end of the first sentence.

There's already an Olympic-sized swimming pool in Glasgow.

Well at least they will now have a algae free pool  🙂

09.21 Emirates arena. Chris Hoy Velodrome 

Ho-hum.A velodrome and a swimming pool.Looks like Glasgow wont have to fork out anything for these games.(Sarcasm).

'The UK government last week assured the Scottish government that no public money would be required to stage the games.

Earlier, Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) president Chris Jenkins said Glasgow would deliver a "world class" Commonwealth Games and create a model for the future.

He said the Australian funding pledge would "further enhance and support" the bid to bring the games back to Scotland.

Mr Jenkins also insisted that the games would not require financial outlay by either the Scottish or UK governments.

Instead, it would be funded by a CGF investment of £100m, plus private income'

@15.39.Lets get these pesky ferries built first,TCL,lets get all the Grangemouth workers back into full time employment before we even consider holding these games.The two ferries were supposed to be ready six years ago,how many years will it take for these games to be ready?

you can flog the campervan....

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