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So Hugh Edwards Is A Sex Offender

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DTCwordfan | 13:07 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
50 Answers

and only six months suspended for 2 years ....and 7 years on the register

great may be the fall but Joe Public wouldn't get that leniency....

BBC News



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Is the man who sent the images to  him in gaol?
13:11 Mon 16th Sep 2024

wouldnt they?  do you have any examples?

Would now the prisons are full, and turning some out.

A dodgy tweet get you prison

Is the man who sent the images to  him in gaol?

He hasn't actually touched any kids (to our knowledge), so the sentence is probably about what was expected. The long lasting damage is to his career and reputation, the destruction of which exceeds any custodial sentence. 

I don't think he's been treated materially differently than any nonentity would be.

s/o will volunteer the sentencing guidelines for this - I  doubt if they  have  been broked

Strange you say that.  The man who sent him the images also got a suspended sentence 

His name is Huw Edwards

Corby, no he isn't in prison.  He got a 12 months suspended sentence even though distributing the images is a more serious offence than making.  Edwards didn't distribute them

It seems that this sort of sentence is about par for the course...

At least he has been prosecuted and his reputation is now in tatters, I suppose that we ought to be satisifed with that.

Agreed,, JtH

He may even now be retraining as a special correspondent, called on to comment on similar stories in future.

Stranger things.

See my answer at 12:00 on 31st July to this question:

"It is my belief that Mr Edwards is extremely unlikely to see the inside of a prison cell. My best guess is that he will received a prison sentence of six months maximum, but suspended. The court may see fit to accompany that sentence with a Rehabilitation requirement."

As well as his suspended sentence, Mr Edwards has been ordered to complete a "sex offender programme" (i.e. a "rehabilitaion requirement" to accompany his suspended sentence.

good job he didn't mouth off about Islamification and the illegal invasion he'd have got 2 years!

NJ, is that standard for Joe Public, too? I belive it is, no special treatment for Edwards

"NJ, is that standard for Joe Public, too?"

Yes Barry. I made my assessment from the sentencing guidelines and what was made known about the offences.

There's no published adjustments recommended for former BBC newsreaders!   😀

Career and reputation in ruins; surely that's enough punishment for looking at photographs.

To me it confirms what the Buddhist high court judge, Christmas Humphrys often said before passing sentence; "I want you to cleary understand that you are not being punished for what you have done, but by what you have done."

(i.e. Karma)

He's paid for and received images of children, but he's not created the images nor groomed any children and certainly not, as far as we know, touched any children.

An undesirable character indeed,  but not dangerous enough to be locked up. 

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