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What Can We Learn From The Itralians?

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
15 Answers

Sounds like the Albania style deal has reduced the problem for them anyway.



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What about the ECHR,arent they stopping this procedure?

Peeing in the wind, I'm afraid.

Great emphasis is placed on "smashing the gangs". Two problems with that:

1. "The Border Security Command will bring together intelligence agencies, police and border force officials to tackle the smuggling gangs behind small boat crossings."

None of those agencies have any jurisdiction in the country where the gangs are operating. Only the French have and they are reluctant to get too involved as "they face increasing levels of violence" when they try to intervene.

2. Because of (1) the gangs couldn't give a toss who the Prime Minister of the UK appoints to smash them.

The only way to reduce and eventually end the problem is to physically prevent the boats from landing. And nobody will do that.

Whilst they are in Italy Messrs starmer and Hewitt might care to ask the Italian Prime Minister how her deputy, Matteo Salvini, is bearing up. Signore Salvini is currently up before The Beak, with prosecutors calling for him to be jailed for six years for doing precisely what is the only thing that will stop this scandal:

I can't see any of the current crop of chancers, spivs and charlatans risking that happening to them.

New Judge extremely well put the political class are gaslighting the general public.


how will boats be stopped from landing?  are we envisaging the entire coast being patrolled?

it will only stop when france agree to take them back.

No fender,it will only stop when the RNLI take them back to France rather than being a taxi service to take them to the UK.

They will only stop coming if they learn that there will be no benefits, housing, NHS, schooling etc. for them. That  they will be either sent back to from where they came, France or Africa or wherever or put in not pleasant detention camps and their families cannot join them.


The places making the boats should be shut down. 

"are we envisaging the entire coast being patrolled?"

Maybe get neighbouhood watch and volunteer litter pickers pressed into service as a home guard. It was used for previous invasion threats.

Of course the government of the day was onside for that, maybe not so much now with all the DJing and clothes shopping to get on with.

Not much to add to the above other than all the Agencies listed do have communications between then and all (except MI6) are home office anyway.  But as NJ points out its pointless as they have no jurisdiction.

An alternative that would have museli up the wall is to get Mossad involved, they dont listne to Metropolitan liberal whining.

And not out clothes shopping on doners account either.

Mossad may be a bit busy, leave a message. 🙄

Wouldnt take them long though I reckon.

" will boats be stopped from landing?  are we envisaging the entire coast being patrolled?"

The overwhelming majority of those travelling in rubber boats are brought ashore by either the RNLI or the Border Force. Watch the news when there are clips of them arriving in Dover and you will see them disembarking from vessels run by those two organisations. Very few make it all the way to the Kent coast and many of them are picked up soon after crossing into UK waters. 

It is an absolute farce. If they want to risk their lives in totally unsuitable craft then let them take the risk all the way to the shores of the UK. 

This problem is costing the taxpayer enormous sums and is causing widespread social problems. It needs to stop and it needs to stop now. These people are not "desperate". They are leaving a safe country where they can claim asylum if they wish. Setting off from there is a choice they make, but it is no a choice they should have available to them. 

Any who do make it under their own steam should be left to live in the same way as they lived in Northern France. They take the risk of the crossing because (a) they know they will be "rescued" and (b) once here they will be feted with money and gifts. Remove those two incentives and the numbers will drop.  

What we can learn is that if you don't leave certain agreements and change the law first, then some idiot will charge you with trying to protect your nation's borders.

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bang on judge the border farce and RNLI need sorting out.

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