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Exploding Pagers......

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mushroom25 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
123 Answers

many injured, and now deaths are being reported. Hezbollah are calling it a security breach, and are blaming Israel. if that is indeed the case, how was it possible?



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I've read reports but can't work out how pagers used by Hezbollah were identified - as opposed to pagers in general circulation.

Who cares sp.I am just wondering how they are going to deal with their 72 virgins when they get to heaven without their genitalia?

Some people on here don't seem to care that a child was killed and are applauding it.

SP, one theory is that Israelis intercepted the supplies of pagers intended for Hezbollah and modified them in such a way that they could all be remotely detonated at the same time.

@17.02.Do you think Hezbollah gives a damn about a child being killed237sj?If they dont,why should we?


^ Because that makes you as desensitized to violence as them.

Sorry 237sj,but after 7th October last year,when quite a few youngsters were murdered by terrorists my sensitivity is gone.Hamas/Hezbollah started this war,this childs death is down to them and them only

^ that's Ok then.  Tit for tat. You think terrorism is the way to go.  Nothing else to say really.

Oh,dear,what a shame,never mind.Mossad doesnt take no prisoners - yeah it was really good when that 8 y old had her head blown off !

Beeb explained it.

They  identified a shipment and where it was going, and managed to get hold of the whole lot and put in milirary explosive 20 g - wont kill but will maim - - and send the shipment on its way

You have to be sure that it  is only going to Hizbullah 

then do a squash ( radio signal on all frequencies)

Fictionally this was done in "the wire" american series with Luther (Idris Elba). All the phones were tapped by the FBI so they didnt need a court order

And the british did  that in Northern Ireland - broadcast squashes to activate signal controlled bombs - and the bomb makers' house ( where they were making their instrument of death) wd just blow up

so the irish put in four digit blocks - and the  British broadcast all 10 000 combinations  and then " Bang!".

Morbid anatomy point. when you have a house with 5 1/2 arms,  a fewe torsos, the  odd head - you count the number of prostates and uterus - and that will give you the body count. ( Donald Teare 1973 morbid anatomy lectures) It was a differnet time then

Do you think Hezbollah gives a damn about a child being killed237sj?If they dont,why should we?

eek ! remind me not to cross a road with her

Corbo has it - it was on the news beeb 1 1800

fake news? - - no I think the dead people are er dead

@19.25.So 7th October didnt happen last year then.Thank God for that.I must have dreamt about it.(Sarcasm).

I think it's hilarious,

when I read something like this - I kn ow I am on my own

@19.25.So 7th October didnt happen last year then.Thank God for that.I must have dreamt about it.(Sarcasm).

er its 17 Sep 24 - but I think you knew that you naughty naughty poster !

I hope you never get put off this site Peter,you really make my day.By the way can you translate Finnegans Wake for me while you are still here?

being explained again Beeb 1938 h

Yasha Yash who was blown up ten or so years ago with an explodig phone - one of his teenage entourage was bribed to give the fella a new phone as a present - Bang !

Yeenager did not survive either

I hope you never get put off this site Peter

never ! my mission is to advise instruct and entertain

Clever stuff so must be Israel

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