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B B C 2 Labour Conference......p M Key Note Speech Coming Up....who's Watching?

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ToraToraTora | 13:55 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
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It's obvious really hymie and corbeyloon. Rather than take a high earning role at say £80k pa and pay a whopping  rate of tax some settle for an easier life and settle for £50000 pa.  But if a favourable tax arrangement makes it more worthwhile to put in the extra effort/ hours/ risks/ stress for £80k he'd do it. He earns more and overall tax paid is more...just at a...
06:41 Wed 25th Sep 2024
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00:30 "Maybe TTT was more altruistic in those days and wanted to pay more tax." - no, the point may be missed by the urge to nitpick. When a contractor I was getting paid a lot more and kept a lot more of it, that is the idea of course but the total tax pounds paid was still more than the equivalent salaried position would have paid. I also collected vast amounts of VAT for the treasury.

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apologies NMA, I should have read your answer before responding to Hymie's ignoramery.

I saw him call for the release of the 'sausages' in Gaza.  😂

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he acyually does say sausages and corrects himself, I thought it was one of those "sounds like" things:


Yes he did.  I wonder if he actually says that when talking privately - to his children perhaps?  It was a very odd slip up to make.

Perhaps he had just decided what to have for his evening meal?

"Judge Jennifer Dean ruled that the relationship that Kelly had with ITV "was a contract for services and not that of employer and employee".

So that, essentially, is that. Any government will find it extremely difficult to legislate against that practice (unless they simply outlaw the idea of conractors entirely and make everybody employees - which would be equally difficult).

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B B C 2 Labour Conference......p M Key Note Speech Coming Up....who's Watching?

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