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Shameless Boris Says He Made A Mistake Apologising For Partygate.

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gulliver1 | 11:02 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
45 Answers

Boris says the scandal from partygate was the downfall of him and the Cons. His apology was the beginning of the end of his days as PM. Now Defiant Johnson, rather than feeling a sense  of remorse claims his mistake was to Apologise for Partygate. I was just trying to defuse public anger with pathetic apologies even though I knew nothing about what I was apologising for. And the band played believe it if you like🤣



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Amazing how Boris lost two years of whatsapp messages and conveniently forgot the password to his phone.Was that a lie ? Of course not he just said ....he couldn't remember it. ha ha ha lol🤣

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Boris said he was born to be King .  I think he was a  born liar.

"he couldn't remember it. ha ha ha lol🤣"

Just as bad as you conveniently forgetting how to do links to the rubbish you report. 

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Why doesn't Johnson just admit he broke his own rules and that was the end of him......It's a piece of cake. OK.

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The classic was ...When Boris said at the partygate enquiry......             "Hand on heart I did not lie"  But he did.

You are very voluble with regards to our previous prime-minister; have you nothing positive to say about our current PM?

Boris made a mistake ? No it was the electorate ( people like you and myself Gulls) who made the mistake

have you nothing positive to say about our current PM?

yeah he is just about to come out of the closet according to the gutter media

  "Hand on heart I did not lie"  But he did.

Politician lies - is this news ? The mods ( circling I note and already improving the thread by multiple deletions) will be after you ( rule 16 - Gullz is objectionable)

How can you tell if a politician is  lying? You can see his lips move

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JTH 13.41 "have you nothing positive to say about our current PM" Yes I am positive that our current  PM Will rejoin the EU..OK.

whether or not he claims to have lied is now irrelevant... the privileges committee found that he did. he lied to parliament. 


Let's hope that you are wrong about that but it really doesn't say much about SKS that you can find nothing other than that to be positive about.

The Privileges Committee consisting in the main of people who hated him and chaired by a woman who had condemned him even before she was appointed.  If ever there was a stitch up it was that.  Frauds all.

it was bipartisan and investigated quite fairly in my view. 

If you think it's 'fair' to be judged by people who have already formed a negative opinion I suggest you re-examine your standards, untitled.


\\Amazing how Boris lost two years of whatsapp messages and conveniently forgot the password to his phone.Was that a lie ? Of course not he just said ....he couldn't remember it. ha ha ha lol//

A bit like Angela Rayner forgetteing she was a beer and curry party

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Bojo The Clown was kn useless. He's where he belongs - in the ploitical wilderness.

Shysters and hypocrites the lot of them. They dwell in a foul pool of back stabbing and snake oil liars.

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