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Starmer Cannot He Handed A Free Lunch …

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naomi24 | 14:44 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers

... warns the EU.  If he wants a so-called relations re-set with them, concessions on migration, fishing and youth mobility are understood to have been demanded as trade-offs. 

It's widely reported but I can't post a link - perhaps someone else will oblige.


Is our less-than esteemed and rapidly failing leader about to lead us into even stormier waters?  I think so.



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More concessions on fishing? They have too many rights over our fishing grounds, as is.

Its strange,but our customers in France,Spain and Portugal now seem to prefer us Brits(or at least us Scots) rather than the aerosols at Brussells.Im still a Remainer though,-for my sins?

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Thanks Corby.

Ridiculous. It's well know Starmer can be handed any freebie you want to offer. Including lunch.

Of course the EU is proving once again that they can't recognise the existence of a win:win deal. In order to agree to a benefit for both sides they insist on extras given to them by the other side first. I think that's called a bribe, isn't it ? Best walk away and leave them to it.

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There are reports suggesting that Yvette Cooper is objecting to his cosying up to the EU because of fears that it will result in thousands more immigrants having free access to this country.  I'm thinking is she chucking her hat in the ring as potentially the next PM? 

Just as long as she doesn't braid her hair eh?

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