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Lord Alli Under Investgation

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gramps85 | 16:07 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

It seems that Lord Alli is being investigated by House of Lords for potential breach of rules over accountability.



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Wouldnt be the first time he'd been probed, by the sounds.

Hazi; was that a light-hearted comment, or did I miss something in the Sun article?

no Lord Alli cannot answer that: he is in the closet

I assume it's a poor joke relating to the fact that he has been described as "first openly gay peer in Parliament"

Who will preside over the "investigation"? Daughter of Irish immigrants Sue Gray? 

Lol @Hazi. 

 it's a poor joke relating to the fact ....

no it is due to the story ( which I now cant find) that a young man had been cruelly used by a peer, and the police said  " You were over 16 and took money" and he kinda said: oh yeah I forgot that bit

oh and they say that Victoria Starmer has chucked her husband out. and so the flat was being used but  not by the 16 y old son revising for his O levels

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