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Rooney And Vardy Fiasco

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CrapatCryptics2 | 14:08 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | News
24 Answers

Its long overdue for these two idiots to stop stroking their own oversized egos and get out of court. They must know there is a massive backlog of real cases. Maybe they take it off to Judges Judy or Rinder.



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Perhaps Vardy should pay the total amount requested minus the extravagant hotel and bar bills and say 'Sue me for the rest.' Surely any judge would chuck out any further litigation? Barmaid? 

Even if she won, she'll probably pay more to challenge the costs than she'd save from a successful challenge.

Pure pettiness from someone with nothing better to do.

Wayne and Jamie must be besotted to continue with the funding.

Mrs R is probably looking for a Devon palace, rumour has it in or near Salcombe....Mrs. V's contribution will make a nice deposit down, or for the Plymouth Gin the R's will need or the make-up and hair-dos for future court appearances.

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