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1 In Every 100 In Uk Is Illegal !

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Khandro | 13:01 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
51 Answers

Why will nobody do anything ? Labour seems even worse than  the Tories were. Only Reform UK seems to be serious about the issue.



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DD, sandyRoe is the proud owner of a very large wooden spoon.

Agree naomi24 and not much else.

Things have come to a pretty pass when I can't post my opinion, unpopular with some I agree, without being categorised as a welder of a wooden spoon.

You can and do post your opinions, sandyRoe - as do other people.

but your opinion is so idiotic you must expect it to be challenged.

Wielder, not welder 

Oh dear upset at being challenged sandyRoe come back with a reasoned response you made the asertion. Like quite a few and none was forthcoming I believe you made the Jewish connection in a previous post totally irrelevant they didn't enter illegally.

No, the Jews didn't come here illegally.  Good point.

sandy is pro terrorist and antisemitic, you can tell by the way he calls the hamas baby beheaders "freedom fighters".

The world seems to have been a better place then.  You could travel without risking your life in a small boat.

I mentioned Jews because at the time they came they were demonise but many of their descendants have since become upstanding members of the community.



sandyRoe, there can be no comparison between the Jews and the people coming here now.  The Jews have always been self-sufficient.  

Repeat a lie often enough and some will come to believe it.

I think 3T has repeated the lie about decapitated babies so often he's come to believe it himself.

There were no babies decapitated by Hamas.  I wonder how many Palestinian children have been dismembered by Israelis forces over the last year?

The world was safer then you didn't have to risk your life in a small you still dont it's their choice they are just gaining the system.

Let's not derail the thread.  This isn't about the war in the Middle East.

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S R //I mentioned Jews because at the time they came they were demonise but many of their descendants have since become upstanding members of the community//

The fact that people of the Jewish race are among, if not the, most intelligent race on Earth.

Born out by the fact that there are far more Nobel prize winners in comparison to their numbers (only 14 million !) than any other goup of people on the planet.

I decline to make the obvious comparison. 

And you are perpetuating the lie Hamas didn't do it checkmate.

True though that no doubt is, khandro, it's irrelevant to this discussion.  The fact is the Jews came here legally, they asked for no special concessions, they didn't expect - or want - anyone else to follow their religious creed, and they were never a burden on society.  

sandy: "There were no babies decapitated by Hamas. " - ok they only raped and tortured, burned children alive in front of their families and committed such attrocities that most of us can't imagine. So that's alright then! Right oh!

Come on fellas!  Stick to khandro's OP.  If you want to start mud-slinging about the war again post another thread.  You're derailing  this one between you.

We've been told by a Mod not the derail the thread.

I'll accept that instruction.

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