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101 Days Of Labour.....lets Take Stock Shall We.....

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ToraToraTora | 15:08 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
23 Answers

1) He has made our streets less secure by releasing thousands of criminals early.

2) He has made our borders less secure by scrapping the Rwanda plan with no deterrent. 12,000 migrants have illegally crossed the channel on his watch.

3) He has made our status on the world stage less secure by scrapping our commitment to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence by 2030.

4) His government has undermined trust in politics by accepting hundreds of thousands in donor freebies.

5) Chronic infighting has forced Keir Starmer to sack his Chief of Staff only a few months into the job.

6) Finally, but most egregiously, he's stripped Winter Fuel Payments from ten million pensioners. Forcing many into a cruel choice between heating and eating. 

Well I suppose "change" was the theme!



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almost forgot:

7) Dished out billions in inflation busting rises for public sector workers.

"lets Take Stock Shall We..."

Your high horse is saddled and ready your majesty.

Prisoners were being realised early under the Tories or have you forgotten that.

The Tories left a £22 billion shortfall for Labour to deal with which shows how cynical they were.

Starmed handled the Farage riots very well. I am not sure about the Winter Fuel Payments but I have a feeling there will be a change of thinking about that soon.


Is this really what Answerbank is going to be like for the next four and a half years? Repetitive political posturing?

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fiveleaves: "Prisoners were being realised early under the Tories or have you forgotten that." - evidence? Prisoners are released early all the time but that is under the default remission rules not just to make room for people who have the temerity to be concerned about the illegal invasion of our country.

"The Tories left a £22 billion shortfall for Labour to deal with which shows how cynical they were." - no economist has been able to verify that broken record assertion. It is now widely believed to be a fantasy figure dreamt up to divert attention from their general fiscal incompetance.

"Starmed handled the Farage riots very well." - I am not aware of any "Farage riots" - He did however clamp down on people protesting about the illegal invasion and islamification of our country.

"I am not sure about the Winter Fuel Payments but I have a feeling there will be a change of thinking about that soon." - lets hope so.

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15:29 well it's what it's been like for the last 14 years.

You forgot that his transport secretary, Louise Haigh (who is she, BTW?) jeopardised £1bn of investment in the UK by insuling P&O's parent company, labelling it a "rogue operator":

"Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds was asked how close the government came to losing the £1bn commitment in the London Gateway port.

Mr Reynolds said: "Look, we've had to have a conversation following some of the press reports.""

I think basically Mr Reynolds had to smooth the waters following one of Labour's resident gobby fishwives mouthing off by criticising a major invester in the UK.

I suspect there will be quite a few similar "conversations" to be had over the next four years which will be necessary following episodes of "fishwife" politics.

Fiveleave @15:23

Labour won't admit whats in the black hole.

Farage riots, what about the harehills riots where the Roma community objected to a child being taken into care and rioted and set fire to busses and police cars

Hope not hate Nick Lowles lied about acid attact fanning the flames

Question Author

15:40 yep forgot that, that's no 8)! any more for any more?

The black hole is in Labour's accounting which is why they're going to screw anyone they can screw for all they can get.

"End of Custody Supervised Licence (ECSL)"

From the start of its use, prisoners in certain prisons could be released a maximum of 18 days prior to their Conditional Release Date. This was increased to a maximum of 35 days on 8 March 2024 (announcement link) and a maximum of 70 days on 23 May 2024.

ECSL was also iteratively rolled out to a larger number of male prisons, as well as being active in some prisons within the female estate from 5 March 2024 to 14 May 2024, during which time female prisoners could be released a maximum of 18 days prior to their Conditional Release Date. ECSL has been in operation since 17 October 2023.

Number of ECSL releases

The number of ECSL releases between 17 October 2023 and 30 June 2024 was 10,083"

//Is this really what Answerbank is going to be like for the next four and a half years? Repetitive political posturing?//

'fraid so - goose/gander & all that...

You omitted mentioning the £6,176 that Starmer paid back over dodgy donations.


Not forgetting Boris Johnson paid back £112,549 that Lord Brownlow donated towards his Downing St. refurbishment.

" I am not sure about the Winter Fuel Payments but I have a feeling there will be a change of thinking about that soon."

The change will come at the beginning of Summer and be reintroduced next October.

And we are now probably not going to get the 40 brand new hospitals that the Tories would undoubtedly have delivered, had they not lost the election.

He paid back 6 grand because he was found out. If he hadn't been he would not have paid it back. But given he has paid it back, when is he going to pay back the tens of thousands of pounds he's received from a crony?

Those on the left make me laugh. When a Tory takes a freebie they have a fit of the vapours, clutch their pearls and scweeeem it's disgusting (which it is) but when their lot do it, strangely it's ok. As the Americans say, go figure.

A little aside on "the last 14 years" mantra. (15.36)

Consider this thread started this morning. (Started but not yet replied to.)

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find this related question.

Not all one-sided.


Would you like me to start a new thread, listing the many dodgy donations received by one Boris Johnson, running in to well over a £1,000,000.

You are missing the point entirely, conveniently, do most of the hard left.


We all know Johnson took freebies - that's old news.


The point the hard left conveniently ignore is that Starmer said Cronyism wouldn't happen on his watch even though he was trousering tens of thousands of pounds from a crony. I just simply do not understand why the hard left cannot admit this.



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